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Mark S

The Musts of the Program – Recovered 742

150 150 Mark S

If you go to enough meetings, you’ll hear it said that in AA, “there are no MUSTs in the program, only suggestions”. Well, like most half-truths in A.A., if you hear them long enough you begin to believe them.

But what does the Program have to say about this? It says in the Big Book on page 19, “We have concluded to publish an anonymous volume setting forth the problem as we see it. We shall bring to task our combined experience and knowledge. This should suggest a useful program for anyone concerned with a drinking problem.” Then, in “How It Works” it says, “Here are the steps we took, which are suggested as a Program of Recovery.”

So, it’s the WHOLE Program that is suggested. In other words, this is a suggested program, not a program of suggestions. Therefore, if we want to work the suggested program, then there are some things that we must do. The Big Book says so.

There may be another method you might use that you think brings about recovery from alcoholism, and if you so choose, have at it. The program in the book is not the only way.

You don’t have to take the A.A. Program,

But “if you want what we have AND are willing to go to any length to get it.” And if you DO want what we have, the Big Book is very clear that the Program has some very definite requirements. It says, “To show other alcoholics PRECISELY HOW WE HAVE RECOVERED is the main purpose of this book” (page xiii),

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What you first learned of the topic, what was your first thought?
What are your initial thoughts?
What must you do to stay sober?

Let’s talk about some of the MUSTs of the program outlined in the book:

Do we have to believe in the disease concept? What about surrender/acceptance?
6. …we who have suffered alcoholic torture MUST believe that the body of the alcoholic is quite as abnormal as his mind. (xxiv)
17. We learned that we had to FULLY CONCEDE to our innermost selves that we were alcoholics. This is the first step in recovery. The delusion that we are like other people, or presently may be, HAS TO BE smashed. (30)
18. If we are planning to stop drinking, there MUST be no reservation of any kind, nor any lurking notion that someday we will be immune to alcohol. (33)

The book is emphatic that higher power is required, what about it?
8. The message which can interest and hold these alcoholic people MUST have depth and weight. In nearly all cases, their ideals MUST be grounded in a power greater than themselves if they are to re-create their lives. (xxvi)
9. I SIMPLY HAD TO believe in a Spirit of the Universe, who knew neither time nor limitation (10)
10. I MUST turn in all things to the Father of Light who presides over us all.(14)

The book requires service work, what is your experience?
11. Particularly was it IMPERATIVE to work with others.(14)
13. Our very lives, as ex-problem drinkers, DEPEND upon our constant thought of others and how we may help meet their needs. (19)
14. Almost none of us liked the self-searching, the leveling of our pride, the confession of shortcomings which the process REQUIRES for its successful consummation.(25)
37. The rule is we MUST be hard on ourself, but always considerate of others. (74)

The book talk alot about facing our character defects.
27. The first requirement is that we BE CONVINCED that any life run on self-will can hardly be a success. (60)

28. Above everything, we alcoholics MUST be rid of this selfishness. We MUST, or it kills us! (62)
32. If we were to live, we HAD TO be free of anger. (66)
33. We saw that these resentments MUST be mastered. (66)
34. Whatever our ideal turns out to be, we MUST be willing to grow toward it. We MUST be willing to make amends where we have done harm, provided that we do not bring about still more harm in so doing. (69)
35. We MUST be entirely honest with somebody if we expect to live long or happily in this world. (73)

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Call Recovered About the “Musts” of the Program

150 150 Mark S
On Tuesday, September 20,  2016, The Recovery Topic is “The “Musts” of  the Program.”
If you go to enough meetings, you’ll hear it said that in AA, “there are no MUSTs, only suggestions”.  I think the truth is that this is a suggested program, not a program of suggestions.  And the book tells us that we “must” do many things.  Things like:
  • Above everything, we alcoholics MUST be rid of this selfishness. We MUST, or it kills us! (62)
  • We saw that these resentments MUST be mastered. (66)
  • But after a while we had to face the fact that we MUST find a spiritual basis of Life – or else.(44)
Let’s talk about this solution.  Tap Speakpipe (especially if you are outside the Unites States) or call 1-734-288-7510 and answer the following question(s):
What must you do in your program to stay sober?
Recovered Podcast is live online every Tuesday at 6:30 pm EDT as we record the show.  Join the fun and be part of the show.
If you would like to listen to the live stream of the show, just tap Recovered Chat and Live Stream.  We give away an Amazon gift card each week, you could win if you join us on Tuesdays.  
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Joe and Charlie Fourth Step Part 3 – Recovered 741

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

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Blaming Others For Our Problems – Recovered 740

150 150 Mark S

Among the many things newcomers need to consider
is how to best manage their sobriety.

This has to do with attitude. You can have the right intention and still be defeated by old attitudes. This can be referred to as stinking thinking.

One of the biggest barriers to overcome
is blaming others for our problems.
The truth is that blame is not healthy ? but accepting responsibility is.

For me, blaming others has never worked. Instead of blame, what I found works for me is to take responsibility for my actions,
take action to correct the situation,
and accept the consequences
and try to do all of this with dignity.

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Let’s talk first thoughts.
When you were notified about the topic this week, what was your first thought?
Where do you want to start the discussion?

Did you blame others for you problems when you were new?
What did that look like?
What happened? How, give examples?

Do you fall into the blame game today?
What did that look like?
What happened? How, give examples?

Why is Blame bad?
Can blame be a good thing?

Spiritual axiom
It is a spiritual axiom that every time we are disturbed, no matter what the cause, there is something wrong with us. If somebody hurts us and we are sore, we are in the wrong also. But are there no exceptions to this rule? What about “justifiable” anger? If somebody cheats us, aren’t we entitled to be mad? Can’t we be properly angry with self-righteous folk? For us of A.A. these are dangerous exceptions. We have found that justified anger ought to be left to those better qualified to handle it.

What about justified blame, how do you handle a situation when someone else is clearly in the wrong?

What about self-blame, what is this?
Do you fall into this?

Why do you fall into blaming, what shortcoming is in effect?
How do we identify when we are falling into blamming?
What is the solution for you?
How can acceptance help?
How do you accept responsibility?

We have calls


Alex from Austin




What would you say to the new guy?

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Joe and Charlie Fourth Step Part 1 – Recovered 731

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

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Call Recovered About Blaming Others For Your Problems

150 150 Mark S
On Tuesday, September 13,  2016, The Recovery Topic is “Blaming Others For Your Problems.”
The truth about effective addiction recovery is that blame is not healthy – but accepting responsibility is.
Blaming others isn’t the answer. It never has been and it never will be. Instead of blame, what’s really more appropriate is a sense of personal responsibility.
Let’s talk about this solution.  Tap Speakpipe (especially if you are outside the Unites States) or call 1-734-288-7510 and answer the following question(s):
Why is Blame bad? Why do you fall into blaming, what shortcoming is in effect?
What is the solution for you?
How can acceptance help?
How do you accept responsibility?
Recovered Podcast is live online every Tuesday at 6:30 pm EDT as we record the show.  Join the fun and be part of the show.
If you would like to listen to the live stream of the show, just tap Recovered Chat and Live Stream.  We give away an Amazon gift card each week, you could win if you join us on Tuesdays.  
Click Show Notes so you can prepare for this week’s show.

Joe and Charlie Fourth Step Part 2 – Recovered 735

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

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Coping With Success in Recovery – Recovered 739

150 150 Mark S

If people become sober and it does not make much difference to their life they are unlikely to put much effort into maintaining their recovery. That is why recognizing success in recovery is important.

However, there can be pitfalls associated with experiencing success in recovery. These are more likely to be a problem for those who are newly sober. Those individuals who are secure in their sobriety will be able to enjoy success just like everyone else.

Those individuals who escape an addiction can expect to experience plenty more success in their life going forward. This is not to say that riches will fall from the sky, but being sober means that people are now able to do the things they need to achieve their ambitions.

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Let’s turn to you first,
What were your initial thoughts on this topic, where do you want to start?

Why is success in recovery important to you?
What kind of achievements have you experienced in recovery?

How do you celebrate success?

What are the benefits of experiencing some success in recovery?

How can a success be dangerous to someone in recovery?
Have you ever experienced some of The Dangers of Success in Recovery?

What is a pink cloud in recovery?
Have you experienced it?
Was it positive?
Was it negative?
Phone Calls
Becky in Houston–Cy4n30j0GTz8BwKzI3dMavnPQweVzyKYrH4DYQopAsBGFdvxzTV0t3HTJq7ns1211agwCtSYb4DeRU-F4fRRFq4RRMOumwQBqPVli_xfuRRwzATeRXvgm9DCK6fZP4Emx4CCW427J-njPlacpFQ


Mandy T


What would you say to the new guy?
Check out this episode!

Call Recovered About Coping With Success in Recovery

150 150 Mark S
On Tuesday, September 6,  2016, The Recovery Topic is “Coping With Success in Recovery.”
If people become sober and it does not make much difference to their life they are unlikely to put much effort into maintaining their recovery. That is why recognizing success in recovery is important.
Let’s talk about this solution.  Tap Speakpipe (especially if you are outside the Unites States) or call 1-734-288-7510 and answer the following question(s):
Why is success in recovery important to you? What kind of achievements have you experienced in recovery? How do you celebrate success?
Recovered Podcast is live online every Tuesday at 6:30 pm EDT as we record the show.  Join the fun and be part of the show.
If you would like to listen to the live stream of the show, just tap Recovered Chat and Live Stream.  We give away an Amazon gift card each week, you could win if you join us on Tuesdays.  
Click Show Notes so you can prepare for this week’s show.