12 steps
Why Do We Stay in Recovery – Recovered 631
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There is more to recovery than just not drinking.
In recovery we learn to live.
In recovery we learn to cope
In recovery, we learn to celebrate.
In recovery, we learn to love
Even learn to love ourselves
Before coming in program what did you think you would get out of recovery?
Before program:
did you ever want to stop drinking?
did you ever want to be sober?
did you ever want recovery?
Are these three different?
For the normal drinker, what are some of the benefits to drinking?
Did you ever experience these benefits in your drinking career?
What was it like at the end, were you able to get any benefits from drinking?
When did you want to stop drinking?
How did you try to stop drinking?
What happened?
What did you think AA offered before you came in?
What did AA actually offer?
What is the difference between not drinking and recovery?
Why do you stay?
Final Thoughts?
Dating and Relationships – Recovered 629
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This seems to be one of the trickiest part of recovery, those relationships that are the closest
We learn all kinds of new things like
we need to practice these principles in all our affairs especially close ones
When you first came into the program, were you in a relationship?
How did sobriety effect that relationship?
what were your thoughts first coming in
what are your thoughts now
Bill – New Jersey
dating inside the program…pluses minus
dating outside the program…pluses and minus
some tips for the new guy
one year rule
my experience is that sobriety changes relationships.
with my wife, how to have fun, regaining trust,
with my sons
with Andrew, improved immediately, we had something common
with Steven, not so much. just last night he told me that he has never seen me drunk and he really didn’t experience the effects of alcoholism until I got sober, because I was miserable for a year.
Anna on Relationships in Recovery.mp3
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http://recoveredcast.com/wp-content/themes/osmosis/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 Mark S Mark S http://2.gravatar.com/avatar/ef9469e066cec98d7076ffb23120cf87?s=96&d=mm&r=gTuesday, our Recovery Topic is Dating and Relationships in Recovery
Call 1-734-288-7510 or
tap Speakpipe
Call us and answer any of the following questions:
We will talk about some of the challenges about relationships in recovery
Your initial thoughts?
When you first came into the program, were you in a relationship?
How did sobriety effect that relationship?
What were your thoughts first coming in?
What are your thoughts now?
Join us live Tuesday,September 8 at 6:30 EDT (-5 GMT).
Tap Recovered Live
to listen and chat along with the hosts and other fans.
Family of Origin – Recovered 627
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Let’s begin this important topic with you,’what was your family of origin like, did you have brothers and sisters, were you grandparents around? What about your aunts and uncles?
Exploring the past is important in recovery, why is this true for you?
How do secrets and denial keep a family sick?
Why are secrets and denial common in the alcoholic family?
How does growing up in this environment of secrets and denial affect you as an adult?
How does the past pain affect your present?
Ruth T Washington
Did you have trauma as a child?
How did this affect you in your disease?
What are some of the things you had to unlearn?
What steps, slogans, prayers, people helped in this process of healing?
How has your family of origin helped you in recovery?
How are you trying to break the cycle of alcoholic family tendencies in your present family?
Special App Owner Open Talk Rebecca W.- Recovered 626
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This Open Talk is exclusively for our Recovered App owners. Thanks for the support! If you upgrade to Premium, your contribution will help keep us on the web.
Discernment – Recovered 625
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Call us at 1-734-288-7510
email at mark@recoveredcast.com
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The Big Book
The 12 and 12
less fear?
more confidence?
better sobriety?
more freedom?
Special App Owner Open Talk Kent C..- Recovered 624
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email at mark@recoveredcast.com
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This Open Talk is exclusively for our Recovered App owners. Thanks for the support! If you upgrade to Premium, your contribution will help keep us on the web.
Calling Your Sponsor – Recovered 623
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email at mark@recoveredcast.com
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Tonight, let’s focus on using the telephone as a tool of recovery with your sponsor. These days, I could not get along without my iPhone, but I hardly make any phone calls.m There are so many other ways to communicate. But especially early on, we are encouraged to make calls, and that is what we will discuss tonight. Making phone calls and making calls to our sponsor.
where do you want to start?
Kick this topic off
How long have you had your current sponsor?
How often do you communicate (meet, talk, text, tweet, etc.)
How often do you use the telephone?
Do you call on the telephone more often or less often now compared to last year? Why?
Do you have a set time that you call or do you call as needed?
What situations prompt a sponsor call?
Possible Reasons for Calling
If you are reading the big book or the literature and don’t understand what you’re reading (why not call your sponsor so they can explain it?)
When you are doing step work with a sponsee (or anything to do with sponsees, really).
When you need help with how to react or handle certain situations (when all you really want to do is whatever you want to do).
When you decide to date someone new, depending on your past with relationships (sometimes our pickers are broken).
If you have to start any statement with the question “Is it still lying when…” (call your sponsor, please).
When your friends or family are stressing you out (they can just be so annoying sometimes).
When you feel like getting high or drinking (this one is usually the top reason to call your sponsor).
When you feel that you are feeling too much (so sad and everything hurts).
When you’re trying to make a big decision (your sponsor is usually the best person to help).
After you do your 4th step (you don’t want to sit on all that work) and before you make amends (your sponsor can help keep you grounded).
We Have Calls!
jim q
Jesse From Worster
What was a memorable call you made?
What was the best call you made?
What was the worst call you made?
Do you like using the telephone?
What is good about phone communication?
What is bad about phone communication?