
Year in Review – Recovered 395

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This Episode is sponsored by Siegfried W.

Mark, Joe, Spencer, and Russ discuss their successes and failures in 2012.  Joe started the show by talking about how his work in the program has paid off this year.  The living amends Joe worked on paid off in his family relations, especially with his father, sister, and nephew.  Joe said that he received so much more than sobriety by working the steps.  The program gave him the tools to change so that his family relationships could grow.

Spencer talked about the power of steps 6 and 7.  He had worked these steps previously, but this time he really explored some fear areas of his life and he was more ready to accept them as part of his life.  By working these steps, he received relief.  As soon as he was ready, the grip on him started to be removed and he got relief.  Spencer understands that he is being relieved of these fears, they are not gone, but lessened.  There is work to be done and habits have been formed around these fears and he is working on it.  It is a relief for Spencer to talk about these fears.

Russ shared about his ability to be a citizen of the world.  Russ is more aware of his gratitude for opportunities because of his sobriety.  There have been ups and downs but he is more aware of the necessity to be open minded.  He has discovered the gifts of the program but is also aware there is more work to be done.  Just like if he was to receive a new car as a gift, he still would have to change the oil and do a maintenance program to take care of the gift.  Russ shared that growth implies change and sometimes change can be painful.

Mark shared that his so grateful to be able to go through the difficult moments sober, like the death of his son.  He is grateful for the program and the fellowship so that he can feel the feelings and not have to take a drink to cope.  Mark shared that he has more awareness of his need for his higher power.  Mark is also more aware his profound love for the people around him.  These are both gifts of the program.

Please Vote for Recovered Podcast in the Podcast Awards

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Because of your 12-step work to nominate our podcast, we are excited to announce we are  finalists in the 8th Annual Podcast Award in the Health / Fitness Category!  Please vote every day from November 1 through November 15.  Just go to

Podcast Awards

The 8th Annual Podcast Awards Ceremony will be Held at New Media Expo in Las Vegas on Jan 7th, 2013!

Recovered 381 Show Notes – Expectations

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Mark, Russ and Aaron discuss the Recovery Topic Expectations

High expectation are premeditated resentments while low expectations are premeditated disappointments.
This topic was suggested by listener Liz from Louisiana.  Thanks Liz.

Tonight, the following people were interviewed:


Liz, who has less than one year of sobriety and is working on her 4th step, and is finding that she is trying to figure out what is a reasonable expectation.

Russ applauded Liz regarding her ability to have introspection and discover that expectations are a problem.  Russ suggested that the third step prayer as shown in the Big Book be done before the 4th step is attempted. Russ shared that he had lots of expectations early in his sobriety which resulted in frustration.

Aaron also related with similar feelings regarding expectations early in sobriety.  Aaron remembered that he was warned to watch expectations because they lead to resentments.

Russ and Aaron used the fellowship, the sponsor, and steps 2, 4, 5, and especially 10 to deal with expectations and to try to determine reasonable expectations.  Unreasonably high expectations is like going to the hardware store for a loaf of bread.  We need to figure out what our loved ones are able to do and resist the temptation to expect more than they are able.  If I need recovery support and encouragement, I need to go to people who are able to give it.

Recovered 366 – Barefoot, Podcast History

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Tonight’s Recovery Topic is Barefoot, The History of the Podcast

Since none of our guest hosts were available, Mark decided to publish a solo podcast, the first one in over a year.

In 2007, I first started experimentation with recorded voice in response to an especially difficult sponsee.  I used the podcast as a way to talk to myself and I discovered I didn’t know what to do.  It was good thing that I just recorded these conversations rather than give this advise, since I didn’t know what I was doing.  This was apparent when I listened to the play backs.  These recordings were never published and I destroyed all evidence.

I started the early recordings using the software package: Castblaster.  I purchased an inexpensive dynamic microphone from Radio Shack and I was off and running.  By listening to other podcasts, I learned that Libsyn was the best place to have my audio files hosted.  This is the actual place that stores the audio files and they also established and control my RSS feed.  Libsyn provides a primitive Website and I used that feature to host my website as well at first.  The next step was to improve the website by moving to Blogger.

The next step in the show’s evolution was the upgrade in microphone and the purchase of a mixer.  These improvements made the audio quality better.  Podcasts I was listening to included: Nobody’s Listening, The Cardinal Arize Podcast, Monster Cookies, The Daily Source Code, and No Agenda.

The addition of Bill as Co-Host marked a significant point in the podcast history.  Bill’s presence, his story, his sense of humor, and his microphones all added to an improvement in the show and was reflected in an increase in listeners.

Recovered 364 – Dealing With Loss in Recovery

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Tonight’s Recovery Topic is Dealing With Loss in Recovery

Mark is joined with Guest Hosts Joe and Russ, both members of Canton Candlelight, Mark’s home group.  Russ is Mark’s sponsor.

Joe is 27 years old and has 3 years sobriety.  Mark and Russ both remember Joe coming into the fellowship and they both remember that Joe was “all in” and had a real willingness to work the program.  Even though Joe was suffering from both loss and anger, he was able to put those things into perspective and used the fellowship, the program, and the steps as a means of comfort rather than to use drink.

Joe shared that early in the program he watched the long timers and focused on what they did and did what they did.  Joe also shared that early in sobriety he was just going through the motions of recovery and the thought of drinking returned.  At this moment, Joe received a phone call asking Joe to take him to a meeting.  Joe promptly put the obsession to drink aside and started to give back to the program through the service work of driving members to meetings.  Joe thought this was a coincidence.  Russ commented that coincidence is just God’s way of remaining anonymous.

60 days before Joe came into the fellowship, Joe’s mom passed away and he became angry and suffered all the more by drinking more.  So when Joe first came in, steps 2 and 3 was difficult because he was angry with God.  Joe shared that going to meetings and relying on the fellowship allowed him to heal over time.  Joe also heard other peoples story about how they got throug difficult times without drinking.  This was an inspiration to Joe. Joe learned that you don’t have to drink if you dn’t want to and you don’t have to drink when you do want to drink

Russ first came into the program in 1974 and it stuck in 1979 and he was 30 at that time.  Russ shared that in 2001 both his parents died and it devastated him.  But the fellowship carried him through this difficult time by going to alot of meetings and to step up service work.  Russ is now going through the process of loss because his father in law just decided to go into hospice and will likely leave this world soon.  Mark shared that Russ’ example on how to deal with loss inspired him to emulate Russ’ action and thereby was able to handle the loss of his father.

Recovered 358 – Anniversaries

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Tonight’s Recovery Topic is Anniversaries

As Bill and Spencer approach anniversaries, we reflect on their time in recovery since their entry. Bill discusses if he has experienced temptations which are frequently experienced around AA sobriety dates. Spencer also discusses his reflections on his growth in the program and what this time means to him.