
Special App Owner Open Talk Rob S.- Recovered 615

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

This Open Talk is exclusively for our Recovered App owners.  Thanks for the support!  If you upgrade to Premium, your contribution will help keep us on the web.  

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Recovery Conferences and Conventions – Recovered 614

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

Going to a conferences for the first time gives you an idea of how big AA is.

At conferences, we can meet new people and establish friends all over the world.

At conferences, we can really celebrate our new way of life

What is a recovery conference?

Where are they held?

How do you find out about them?

How long do they last?

What are some of the typical formats?

Do you have to attend everything?

Are there al-anon events?

What social activities?

Are there meeting available?

Can you purchase recovery material?

What other things/activities are there?

What are the costs

What has been your experience?

What conferences have you attended?

How were they structured?

What was your best experience?

What was your worst experience?

Best speaker?

Worst speaker?

We have calls!

Min from Australia

Min forgot something

Angela from North dakota

Clyde from Rochester – World Conference

Dan F – World Convention  – START AT 00:04 END EARLY TOO!

What recommendations would you give to the newcomer?

What tips?

What to pack?


What would you say to the new person who is thinking about going to a conference?

Final Thoughts?

Check out this episode!

Topic: Recovery Conferences. Call in and Share

150 150 Mark S

As the grow starts to fade on the 2015 International Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous, please share with us your experience attending recovery conferences.

734-288-7510 or tap
and answer the following question.
Why should newcomers attend recovery conferences?
If you have attended an International Convention, feel free to share that experience with us as well.

Join us Monday, July 6, 2015 at 6:30 pm EDT (-4 GMT) in the chat room and listen live to us and chat with other listeners as we discuss Recovery Conferences and Conventions.  Just Tap Recovered Podcast Chat Room

Check out this episode!

Special App Owner Open Talk Laura H. – Recovered 613

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book
The 12 and 12
24 Hours a Day
This Open Talk is exclusively for our Recovered App owners.  Thanks for the support!  If you upgrade to Premium, your contribution will help keep us on the web.  

Check out this episode!

Socializing in Your Recovery Program – Recovered 612

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

Being social again is something I had to learn

For me, it was awkward.

Now I don’t even think about it

But let’s go you first Matt

before program, what did you like to do, how did you socialize

What did you like to do before program?

Who did you socialize with?

What was the first Recovery social event you attended?

Describe the event, the place it was held, how did you feel, who did you go with?

In early recovery, how did you socialize?

Did you hang out with using friends?

Do you do AA social events?

Which ones?

How did you feel as new person?

We have calls

Alex from Austin


How about now, how do you socialize?

With who?

With friends that drink?

Do you organize anything?

What is that like?

How do you get new people involved?

What other things do you like to do?






What would you say to the new person about socializing in recovery

Final Thoughts?

Check out this episode!

Special App Owner Open Tabitha B. – Recovered 611

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book
The 12 and 12
24 Hours a Day
This Open Talk is exclusively for our Recovered App owners.  Thanks for the support!  If you upgrade to Premium, your contribution will help keep us on the web.  

Check out this episode!

First Meeting – Recovered 610

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book
The 12 and 12
24 Hours a Day

The first meeting I ever attended is clear in my memory.  For some people, it may not be so memorable, those early days can be really fuzzy.  
But tonight, we are going to talk about our experience, strength, and hope regarding our first meeting.  

We know from the feedback that we receive,

many of our listeners have not yet mustered up the courage to go to their first meeting.
The intent of this episode is to demonstrate that going to your first meeting doesn’t have to be scary, but rather,
your first meeting can be an opportunity to let go of the shitty life you are living.

But let’s go back, back before program and talk about what our understanding of AA was before we came into the rooms of alcoholics anonymous.
Before you came into the fellowship, what was your understanding of recovery?

What did you image meetings to be like?
How did TV and Movies shape your understanding?
What movies or TV programs?
How were they similar to reality?
How were they different?

How did you learn about this first meeting you went to?

Where was it?
Did you go alone?

Where was the first meeting you went to alone?

Was it a different experience going alone?
What did the meeting look like, describe your first meeting?
  • time
  • place
  • number of people there
  • describe the people there
  • describe your feelings
  • what were your expectations
  • what was reality
  • topic
  • leader
  • phone numbers
  • new members package
  • did you say your were new
  • did you say you were an alcoholic
  • what prayers
  • did it seem religious
  • was it glum or did it seem they were having fun
  • money basket, did it bother you
  • do you remember anything about any of the readings
  • did you know the 12 steps before
  • any step strike you
  • describe the feelings throughout the evening (scared, embarrassed, safe, loved, odd)
  • coffee, smoking, language, laughter

What would you say to the new person who has not yet gone to a meeting?
Justin from LA

Lynn From Wisconsin

Moira from Maine

Teresa From San Francisco

Matt From Connecticut

Shanni from Long Island

Alex from Austin

Final Thoughts?

Check out this episode!

Next Show Topic is First Meeting

150 150 Mark S

On Monday, June 15, 2015 at 6:30 pm (-4 GMT) we will be podcasting live.  Join the Chat Room and listen live while you chat with us and other Recovered Podcast listeners.


Tap HERE to join the Recovered Podcast Chat Room


Our Recovery Topic will be about our First Meeting in recovery.  Call in and share your story and add to the conversation!  Call 1-734-288-7510, we’d love to here from you!

Check out this episode!

Special App Owner Open Talk Dan T. – Recovered 609

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

This Open Talk is exclusively for our Recovered App owners.  Thanks for the support!  If you upgrade to Premium, your contribution will help keep us on the web.  

Check out this episode!

Special App Owner Open Talk Meg B. – Recovered 608

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

This Open Talk is exclusively for our Recovered App owners.  Thanks for the support!  If you upgrade to Premium, your contribution will help keep us on the web.  

Check out this episode!