
Recovered 361 – The Family Afterward

150 150 Mark S

Mark opens the show with a reading from Courage To Change, the Alanon Daily Reader.  This reading presents a warning to the family when the alcoholic first enters into recovery.  The family will quickly learn that the drinking is just a symptom and that the real problems within the family unit will come to the surface.

Spencer shared what it was like when he first came into Alanon recovery and how his anger was part of the problem and how the tools of the program provided relief in a healthy way.  Spencer shared how change is natural part of recovery but can be very difficult to the family suffering from the family disease of alcoholism.

Mark shared how important it is for each member to be able to ask for what they need but how difficult it can be for other family members to hear it.  Mark also share how when the alcoholic gets into recovery how difficult it can be for the family to function without the scapegoat.

Spencer shared how important it is for everyone to go to alot of meetings and that it is important for each person to but recovery first.  After initial recovery is achieved balance between recovery and family life is necessary.

Mark shared that when he first went into recovery he put his recovery first and he placed his family members into the hands of his higher power practicing steps two and three.  But after Mark did a ninth step with his family he made a commitment to them that he would be present to them and there needs because he was absent during the drinking years. This was when balance between recovery and family started to become more equal.

Spencer shared how he views the time in meetings as an investment in the hope of a healthy future.  Mark reads from the Big Book and how Bill W describes the family with alcoholism as abnormal and that healing will take time.  Life in sobriety may not be exactly as the family expects.  Change is difficult but change is necessary for the alcoholic family.

Spencer shared about his usual meetings and how important the meetings before and after the meeting is so important.  Spencer reflected about where he is now and how far he has come.  The topic of changed attitudes was part of Spencer’s Wednesday Night meeting.  Pain is mandatory but suffering is optional.  Mark shared on his noon meetings and Mark shared his first step talk.

Spencer and Mark shared about life at home.  Mark shared a story about lost keys and how the program has helped with his relationship with others.

Recovered 359 – Slogans

150 150 Mark S

Tonight’s Recovery Topic is Slogans

Click on “Recovered Videos” or use the tab above to see the videos of the stories and the music we cover on this episode.

Mark and Spencer discuss what the slogans mean to them and share some of their most and least favorites. It’s very interesting that the slogans mean very similar things to both Mark and Spencer even though Spencer and Mark attend different 12-step programs.

We discuss the meetings we attended during the week and what’s going on at home. Spencer is sharing his 4th step experience at his home group while Mark is busy signing court slips at his noon meetings. Mark and Anna have discovered the TV program Lost on Netflix. They didn’t get caught up in the phenomena known as Lost when it was in production. But now they are enjoying the series now that it is available by streaming on Netflix. Meanwhile, Spencer goes on the road with a youth group.

Through the generous contributions from our listeners, we were able to purchase a new head phone amplifier. Sound quality should improve now when we all have our own headphone and we can moderate our sound levels.

This is he first podcast where we were streaming live on our website. Although Mark found the chat room to be a bit distracting, but this live stream may be a way for us to build our community.