
Recovered 362 – Coming Into The Program Young

150 150 Mark S

Our Recovery Topic is Coming Into The Program Young. Special Guest Host Aaron discusses the challenges of coming into the program young. Aaron also shares his experience, strength and hope relative to working with the young guy. Mark’s specialty is getting fired by the young guy.

 Aaron was 30 years old when he first came into the program. He came into the fellowship when he had a moment of clarity This moment of clarity occurred after Aaron’s girl friend left him, he lost his job, and was notified that he violated his probation again. Aaron shared that he would solve these problems by drinking beer. Then he realized that he was solving his problem with the cause of all his problems. The next day he came to his first meeting at 30 years old. Honest desperation gave him the courage to enter the fellowship. Aaron shared that this was his Higher Power active in his life.

The biggest challenge Aaron experienced being young in the program was giving up his previous life style and previous friends. This was a difficult process for Aaron. He substituted the old using friends with new recovery friends over the first few months of his program. Aaron shared that he was resistant to get a sponsor. But it turns out that the first person who talked to him at his first meeting became Aaron’s sponsor.

Aaron would hang out at our Alano club as a way to get over the lonely and to establish a new social life. Aaron’s sponsor actually asked him to be his sponsee.b Aaron shared that dating someone outside fellowship can work. Aaron sponsors two young guys, the youngest is 16 years old. Sponsorship and chairing meetings have given the opportunity for leadership in the fellowship which has enhanced his recovery.

Recovered 360 – Recovery Literature

150 150 Mark S

Tonight’s Recovery Topic is Recovery Literature
For the videos covered in this podcast, click on the tab above or click here..

Bill shared that the Big Book entitled Alcoholics Anonymous was the first official literature he encountered.  He was presented with this book free at his first meeting along with a newcomers packet.  Bill also uses the 12 and 12 as a resource for step work.

Spencer shared that How Al-anon Works or the Blue Book is the basic text he uses for his Al-anon program along with Paths to Recovery or the Tan Book.  Spencer shared that he would read these texts at night when he couldn’t sleep.  We all noted how it didn’t matter if you’re an AA or an Al-anon, the problem of sleep difficulty due to stress is relieved by reading recovery literature.  The three C’s in step one of the literature was discussed.  Mark shared what a relief the three C’s are in Al-anon, that he can’t cause, can’t cure, and can’t control some one else’s addiction.

All agreed that the Traditions are mostly discussed at meetings but not studied much.  Bill did share his experience with the 12 and 12, the book by Bill Wilson and his reflection on the steps and the traditions.

Daily readers were discussed next. Bill uses Daily Reflections while Spencer uses One Day at a Time and Courage to Change.  Mark also uses Hope for Today along with the Language of Letting Go. Although we all have read these daily readers several times through, something new is discovered often.

Bill also enjoyed a book “A New Pair of Glasses” by Chuck C.  This book is an expanded open talk by Chuck from California.  Mark also recommends “Dr. Bob and the Good Old-timers” which is biographical book about Dr. Bob and the early days of AA.

It was also discussed about how important it is in recovery to be able to read and write.  These skills are sometimes assumed and can be a special challenge to recovery for the blind and illiterate.

Websites used in recovery include
Ann Arbor Al-anon Web Site

Mark discusses his trip to Saugatuck.  Bill is busy with his young family.  Spencer is enjoying his time at Lake Wobegon.  Mark Discusses going to podcamp Cincinnati in October. Find all about Anna and her childhood pet duck, Lamont.

The following links can be used to purchase the books we referenced during the podcast.  Your purchase will support the podcast.

Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How Many Thousands of Men and Women Have Recovered from Alcoholism
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
How Al-Anon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics
Paths to Recovery: Al-Anon’s Steps, Traditions and Concepts
Daily Reflections: A Book of Reflections by A.A. Members for A.A. Members
One Day at a Time in Al-Anon
Courage to Change: One Day at a Time in Al-Anon II
Hope for Today
More Language of Letting Go: 366 New Daily Meditations (Hazelden Meditation Series)
A New Pair of Glasses
DR. BOB AND THE GOOD OLDTIMERS (Alcoholics Anonymous, A biography, with recollections of early A.A. in the Midwest)

Recovered 359 – Slogans

150 150 Mark S

Tonight’s Recovery Topic is Slogans

Click on “Recovered Videos” or use the tab above to see the videos of the stories and the music we cover on this episode.

Mark and Spencer discuss what the slogans mean to them and share some of their most and least favorites. It’s very interesting that the slogans mean very similar things to both Mark and Spencer even though Spencer and Mark attend different 12-step programs.

We discuss the meetings we attended during the week and what’s going on at home. Spencer is sharing his 4th step experience at his home group while Mark is busy signing court slips at his noon meetings. Mark and Anna have discovered the TV program Lost on Netflix. They didn’t get caught up in the phenomena known as Lost when it was in production. But now they are enjoying the series now that it is available by streaming on Netflix. Meanwhile, Spencer goes on the road with a youth group.

Through the generous contributions from our listeners, we were able to purchase a new head phone amplifier. Sound quality should improve now when we all have our own headphone and we can moderate our sound levels.

This is he first podcast where we were streaming live on our website. Although Mark found the chat room to be a bit distracting, but this live stream may be a way for us to build our community.

Recovered 357 – Attraction Not Promotion

150 150 Mark S

Tonight’s Recovery Topic is Attraction Not Promotion

Caris Severn asks the question, “How were you attracted to your programs, given the de-emphasis on promotion?” Mark, Bill, and Spencer share their experiences.

Tradition 11 reads:

Our public relations policy is based on
attraction rather than promotion; we need
always maintain personal anonymity at
the level of press, radio, films, and TV. We
need guard with special care the anonymity
of all AA members.

We share our AA and Alanon understanding.

Recovered 356 – Anger and Resentments

150 150 Mark S

Tonight’s Recovery Topic is Anger and Resentments.

Mark, Bill and Spencer explore their experience strength and hope regarding anger and resentments. We discuss what it used to be like, what happened and what it is like now.

Since alcoholism is a family disease, it’s not a surprise that anger and resentments are a problem for both the alcoholic and the codependent.

We discover that going to meetings helps us cope with these potentially destructive emotions and that walking away from a heated moment is always an acceptable option.

Recovered 354 – Step 8 and 9 Part 1 of 2

150 150 Mark S

Tonight’s Topic is The Gift of the Program

Recovered 353 – Steps 6, 7, and 8

150 150 Mark S

Tonight’s Recovery Topic is Giving up on Hoping to Change the Past

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