
Premium Member Only Open Talk Pat G – Recovered 675

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

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Step 5 – Recovered 674

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

In this step, we admit to God, to ourselves, and to another person the exact nature of the wrongs we have committed as the result of our character defects.  It is one thing to admit these wrongs and defects secretly to ourselves and quite another to write them down on paper and see them in black and white.  It is still humbling to admit them to another human being.  That final admission makes them more real and more painful to us, while, at the same time, removes some of their power.

Step five is another action Step and ego-deflating experience.  The AA Twelve and Twelve tells us that “scarcely any Step is more necessary to longtime sobriety and peace of mind than this one.”  Although all of the Twelve Steps deflate our ego,, “when it comes to ego deflation, few Steps are harder to take than Five.”  

What was your understanding of this step early in your program?

What is it now?

How long did it take for you to first attempt your Fifth step?

How long did it take once you started?

What were some of the barriers to you starting the Fifth Step?

What were some of the barriers to completing your Fifth Step?

What is Ego deflation is relation to Step 5 and how does that help in your recovery?

What is rigorous honesty and why is that important to you?

When you took your Fifth Step, what were that patterns of your behavior?

What part of your character did you want to change?

How did you choose who heard your Step 5?

What qualities did you want?

What are the objectives of Step 5 for you?

Clyde From Shelby Township

Alex from Austin

Marty from Canton

Justin from LA

Did you see a relationship between your wreckage of the past and your character defects?

Did you identify behaviors of your past that you wanted to put in the past and start clean?

What about guilt and remorse, did you experience this?  Did Step 5 help make this a positive?

What about forgiveness, did you feel this for others?  Yourself?

Did this Step help you become free of the past?  How?

What would you say to the new guy about step 5?

Check out this episode!

Premium Member Only Open Talk Anna Z. – Recovered 673

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book
The 12 and 12
24 Hours a Day

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Step 4 – Recovered 672

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

The Fourth Step brings us to a specific course of action that the AA Big Book describes as “vigorous.”  It is a “personal house-cleaning which many of had never attempted.”  The Fourth Step strengthens the decision we made in the Third Step and helps us carry it out.  According to the AA Big Book, unless we make a “strenuous effort to face, and to be rid of, the things in ourselves which have been blocking us,” our decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understand Him can “have little permanent effect.”

The Fourth Step is necessary to continue the progress we have made in the first three Steps.   The AA Big Book uses the analogy of taking a business inventory to describe our Fourth Step work.  The purpose of an inventory is to identify the stock that is old, obsolete or spoiled so that it can be thrown out and replaced with stock that can be used or sold.  Our moral inventory serves the same purpose.

What was your understanding of this step early in your program?

What is it now?

How long did it take for you to first attempt your fourth step?

How long did it take once you started?

What were some of the barriers to you starting the Fourth Step?

What were some of the barriers to completing your Fourth Step?

What is an inventory and what is its purpose?

What does the term searching and fearless mean to you?

Why moral inventory?

We Have Calls



Why should the inventory be written?

What format did you use?

What is a resentment and why is it the number one offender?

What would you say to the new person about Step 4?

Check out this episode!

Michael Weinberger Interview – Recovered 671

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

Today I am joined with Michael Weinberger

A Plan For Living

Michael is a husband father entrepreneur

and Michael successfully navigates his busy life

with unparalleled optimism.

But, like many of our Recovered Podcast listeners, Michael navigates life with plenty of obstacles and challenges

and that is the subject of this episode

Michael has battled Bipolar depression and an eating disorder.

Through Michael’s life experiences, he has developed some coping skills that he Would like to share with the Recovered Podcast audience.

Michael, welcome to the stdio, welcome to the Recovered podcast

Do you participate in any 12-step recovery program?

Michael please, let our listeners hear some of your story

Where did you get the idea of the website

What are your goals for

Why did you laumch

What are some of the features of the site?

What is The Happiness Formula?

What is Mindfulness?

Tell us some website tools to assist in developing these skills?

Who is the targeted audience?

What do you hope that users will get out of using your website?

Does it cost?

What other sites do you use/like?

Why is important?

What are some misconceptions of mental illness?

What are some misconceptions of eating disorders?

How do you use the 12-step plan of recovery?

What is the number one reason why people with mental illness don’t get help?

What is the number 1 reason why people with eating disorders don’t get help?

What would you say to someone who is battling depression and doesn’t know what to do?

What would you say to someone who is eating disorders and doesn’t know what to do?

Check out this episode!

Premium Member Only Open Talk Sandie Marie M. – Recovered 670

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

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Step 3 – Recovered 669

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

With the first step, we accepted the fundamental problem we face as alcoholics,

our powerlessness over alcohol and the unmanageability of our lives.  

In the second step, we found the nature of our solution:

a Power greater than ourselves who could restore us to sanity.  ‘

In the third step, we discover how to make use of that solution by

turning our will and our lives over to the care of that power.

Step 3 has been summarized as:  

I can’t, God can, I think I’ll let him

The 12 and 12 says,

… the effectiveness of the whole AA program will

rest upon how well and earnestly we have tried to

come to a decision to turn our will and our lives

over to the care of God as we understood him.”

Steps 1, 2, and 3 are the foundation of our program.

Let’s go to you first Cristie,

what are your initial thoughts on this topic?

where do you want to start?

What does it mean to you to make a decision?

What does the phrase “God as we understood him” mean to you?

What is your concept of God?

What does it mean to turn ‘our will and lives over to the care of God” to you?

What is the difference between a life run on self-will and a life that follows God’s will?

How well as self-will served you?

What does “self-centeredness is the root of our troubles” mean to you?

What is a recent example of exercising self-will rather than following God’s will?

How can you know God’s will?

How does prayer and meditation help you discover God’s will?

How is humility different than humiliation?

What reservations have you had about turning your will over to the care of God?

Is recovery God’s will for you?  How do you know?

How is “taking it back” and “turning it over” related?

What prayers do you use to get/stay centered in times of difficulty?

We have Calls




Dora From Boston




What would you say to the new person about step 3?

Check out this episode!

Premium Member Only Open Talk Pam H. – Recovered 667

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

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Step 2 – Recovered 666

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity

The second step is about hope, a Higher Power, and dealing with reality.

This step logically follows step 1 in which we surrendered and gave up.

With surrender comes all kinds of unmedicated feelings.

We have to face

Feelings we haven’t dealt with in years or maybe ever.

We likely will have to confront uncomfortable emotions like

our fear, anger, hopelessness.

For us with chemical dependency,

we have to face these things without alcohol and drugs.

For us with codependency,

we have to face these emotions without blame, shame, and self harm

If all of us in this room are powerless,

how can we solve these problems?

How can we cope?

That is why we need step 2, we need a power greater than ourselves.

Let’s go to you first Kayla.

Welcome back to the studios

where have you been?

What is your sobriety date?

where is you home group?

who is your sponsor?

What are your initial thoughts?

Where do you want to begin?

What does the phrase “Power greater than ourselves” mean to you?

What does the term sanity in this step mean to you?

Why does the step say that a Power greater than ourselves

could restore us to sanity rather than

would restore us to sanity?

On the Power greater than yourself issue, where did you start in your belief?

Has your belief system changed?


What is willingness and how does that work in this step?

Have you ever had to be willing to be willing to make a start?

Addiction is a disease of loneliness, how does this fellowship help?

How has the fellowship helped you?

We have calls

first call







How is sanity and reality related?

Tell us about your step 2 story?

What would you say to the new person about step 2?

Check out this episode!