Recovery Myths – Recovered 400 150 150 Mark S Mark S Mark, Joe, Aaron, and Russ discuss Recovery Myths. We talk about some of the misconceptions we held to be true before when came into the program. We also talked about some of the surprises we found in the fellowship after we came into the program. Joe began the program by sharing that he had the typical view of the alcohol that was different than himself. Before the program, Joe thought that an alcoholic lived under a bridge, was homeless, was old, and suffering physically. Joe came into the program at 24 years old and a college graduate. Although he was suffering and felt hopeless, he didn’t match his own situation with what he thought an alcoholic looked like. Joe thought he still had a choice when it came to drinking. After he spent a little time in the fellowship, he realized he really didn’t have a choice in the drinking game.
Russ talked about what he thought someone in recovery looked like. He thought that he would have to give up fun and become boring just like every other person in recovery. Russ also thought that he had a choice with regards to drinking because if he admitted that he didn’t he would have to do something about it; he didn’t want to do this. Russ shared that what he thought an alcoholic looked like. As a kid, he would walk to a nearby treatment hospital and he could see the patients locked into a facility. This image of an inmate didn’t match up with his self image before he came into the program. He thought he was having fun.
Joe shared that he was surprised that e could have fun in the program. Aaron didn’t have some false different than others. he didn’t have some false sense of what an alcoholic looked like. Aaron had no pre-misconceptions of recovery looked like, he knew nothing of the program Russ shared that he was surprised about how much better he felt better physically in early recovery.