
FAQ – Recovered 433

150 150 Mark S

Can a person achieve sobriety all alone by reading A.A. literature?
What is alcoholism?
Can an alcoholic ever drink ‘normally’ again?
What is Alcoholics Anonymous?

Ruth’s Facebook Questions

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Hour 11 Of The 12 Hour Podcast – Recovered 431

150 150 Mark S

Barb and Suzie join Mark in this the 11th hour of the 12 hour Podcast.  We also have an interview with Tamara with Dawn Farm/

Check out this episode!

Acting Our Way Into Right Thinking – Recovered 430

150 150 Mark S

We can’t think our way into right acting.
We have to do something.

What does this mean to you?
Practically, how does this work?
How do you determine what is right acting?

When was the first time you heard this?
Can you give an example how this first worked for you?
Does it work differently with more clean time?

When does it work best?
When did it not work?

Can this be applied to a Home Group?
Can this be effective at work?
How about relationships?
What if we don’t what is the next right action?

Check out this episode!

Hour 10 Of The 12 hour Podcast – Recovered 429

150 150 Mark S

In this the 10th hour, we continue our discussion with Anna and we are joined with Barb.  Barb discribed her very difficult path in both Alanon as well as AA.

Check out this episode!

Recovery Online – Recovered 428

150 150 Mark S

Technology and Recovery
Bill and Bob and working with a book and face to face – Recovery 1.0
After WW II, telephones common in homes for the first time
the telephone ushers in new era – Recovery 2.0
Internet and Social Media – Recovery 3.0

How has your tool box changed
what did you use to use but no longer
what are your favorite sites, apps, social media, podcasts

the podcasts we listen too
apps we find helpful
online meetings
recovery in the future

what do you see in the future

Check out this episode!

Hour 9 Of The 12 Hour Podcast – Recovered 427

150 150 Mark S

In this the 9th hour of the 12 Hour Podcast, Mark is joined with Anna and Jose.  This proves to be the most intimate hour of the podcast marathon since the room was filled with people who knew our late son best.  Anna and Mark are Andrew’s parents, and Jose was Andrew’s housemate and was the last one to see Andrew alive.

We also play an interview we had with Jen who works at Dawn Farm Downtown which is a residential treatment facility in downtown Ann Arbor, Michigan

Check out this episode!

Sponsorship – 426

150 150 Mark S

Let’s let our listeners introduce the show

What is Sponsorship?
Why is it important?
What to look for?
What to watch out for?
How do you develop trust?
How do you get a sponsor?

Does changing sponsors mean giving up on the program?
Is Changing Sponsors a bad thing?
What might be a bad reason for changing a sponsor?
May a newcomer change sponsors?

How do you know when to change sponsors?
What if you are not clicking with your sponsor?
How do you break up with a sponsor?

Is sponsorship different between fellowships?
Has your understanding changed over the course of your membership?

Should sponsor and newcomer be as much alike as possible (such as drug of choice, age, family situation)?
What if the sponsor is unavailable when needed?
May a newcomer have more than one sponsor?

Is it ever too late to get a sponsor?

For the Person Wanting to Be a Sponsor
How does sponsorship help the sponsor?
Can any member be a sponsor?
How do you get a sponsee?
When is a member ready for sponsorship responsibility?
What does a sponsor do and not do?
What if you are asked for advice?
Is there any one best way of sponsoring a newcomer?

Is it possible to get too attached to a sponsee?
How to handle sponsee break up?

Final Words/thoughts

Check out this episode!

Hour 8 Of The 12 Hour Podcast – Recovered 425

150 150 Mark S

In this the 8th hour of the 12 Hour Podcast, Kyle, Chris, and Mark continue their discussions.  The topic of having fun in the fellowship was discussed.  Can someone really have fun on a golf course of in a bowling alley and not drink?  Of course you can, but maybe not right away if you’re new.
Our Dawn Farm Interview is with Charles Coleman, director of their Transitional Housing Program.  Dawn Farm is a Treatment Facility here in the Ann Arbor, Michigan area.  Charles describes the program along with the benefits and challenges for both the organization and the clients.

Check out this episode!

Emotional Sobriety – Recovered 424

150 150 Mark S

This topic is in reference to an article Bill W. published in 1958

What is Emotional Sobriety?

the development of much more real maturity and balance (which is to say, humility) in our relations with ourselves, with our fellows, and with God.

What types of emotions are most vulnerable to instability in sobriety?

Those adolescent urges that so many of us have for top approval, perfect security, and perfect romance — urges quite appropriate to age seventeen — prove to be an impossible way of life when we are at age forty-seven or fifty-seven.

What character asset (virtue) is most needed to achieve emotional sobriety?


According to Bill, why are peace and joy illusive?

How shall our unconscious  be brought into line with what we actually believe, know and want!

For Bill, what is the problem for him?

dependence on people to supply his needs

What was his solution to the problem

To love others first regardless if it is returned

What is the root of the problem?

unhealthy dependency and its consequent unhealthy demand

Check out this episode!