
Cravings and Triggers – Recovered 1313

150 150 Mark S

Cravings and triggers can be major obstacles for those struggling with addiction. These intense desires to use substances or engage in addictive behaviors can be overwhelming and challenging to resist. Overcoming cravings and triggers is crucial for those in recovery, as giving in to these impulses can lead to relapse. One effective way to overcome these cravings and triggers is by using a higher power. By relinquishing control and trusting in a higher power, you in recovery can find strength and support to resist the urge to use.

The 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a program designed to help you overcome addiction and live a sober life. The steps are based on a spiritual approach, which encourages you to connect with a higher power and seek guidance and support. The 12 steps provide a framework for personal growth and healing and offer a pathway to recovery that has been successful for many of us.

Tonight, we talk about the Cravings and Triggers.


3:25 To skip the intro

This week, 
Joel, Falisha, Nicole, Cristie

Made their Sustaining Partner Donations


This episode is sponsored by 
Teresa, Audrey

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The Importance of Honesty – Recovered 1311

150 150 Mark S

Honesty is a crucial aspect of any 12-step recovery program, it is essential, to be honest about one’s feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Many people with addiction struggle with denial, which can prevent them from acknowledging the extent of their problem. By being honest, individuals in recovery can begin to confront the reality of their addiction and take the necessary steps to overcome it.

Another reason why honesty is important in a 12-step recovery program is because it helps build trust and accountability. Recovery requires a strong support network, and that network relies on trust and honesty. When individuals are honest about their struggles and progress, they can build stronger relationships with others in recovery. Honesty also holds individuals accountable for their actions and helps them stay on track with their recovery goals.

Tonight, we talk about the Importance of Honesty


3:25 To skip the intro

This week, 
Martin, Todd, Teresa, Kim, Becky, Shelly, Amanda, Christy, Niki, Jim, Vicki, Penny, Jenny, Rebekah, Bryan, Dana, Kim, Tonja, Michael, Sean, Karen, Kendy, Michael, Tony, Sam, Chris, Cristie, Nicole, Falisha

Made their Sustaining Partner Donations


This episode is sponsored by 
Janice, Kurt, Diane, Gigi, Michael, Chris, Tasha, Helen, McQ

They used the donation button found on our website at



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John A. Part 5 of 5 – Recovered 1312

150 150 Mark S

John A. from Dallas, TX speaking on steps 10, 11 and 12 at the Glasshouse Group in Fort Worth, TX – August 29th 2002

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John A. Part 4 of 5 – Recovered 1310

150 150 Mark S

John A. from Dallas, TX speaking on steps 10, 11 and 12 at the Glasshouse Group in Fort Worth, TX – August 29th 2002

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John A. Part 3 of 5 – Recovered 1309

150 150 Mark S

John A. from Dallas, TX speaking on steps 10, 11 and 12 at the Glasshouse Group in Fort Worth, TX – August 29th 2002

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John A. Part 2 of 5 – Recovered 1308

150 150 Mark S

John A. from Dallas, TX speaking on steps 10, 11 and 12 at the Glasshouse Group in Fort Worth, TX – August 29th 2002

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Staying Motivated – Recovered 1307

150 150 Mark S

Staying motivated in recovery is crucial for long-term sobriety. 12-step recovery programs offer a structured approach to overcoming addiction, but they also require a significant commitment and dedication from individuals in order to be effective. Without motivation, individuals may struggle to stay on track and achieve their goals of sustained sobriety.


Maintaining motivation in recovery helps individuals to stay focused on their goals and resist the temptation to use drugs or alcohol. It allows them to continue to make progress toward their ultimate goal of living a healthier, happier life free from addiction. Additionally, staying motivated helps individuals to remain engaged with their support network, attend meetings and therapy sessions, and actively participate in their recovery program.

Tonight, we talk about Staying Motivated



3:25 To skip the intro

This week, 
Audrey, Joel, Martin, Todd, Teresa, Becky, Shelly, Amanda, Christie, Jim, Vicki, Niki

This week, 

Audrey, Joel, Martin, Todd, Teresa, Becky, Shelly, Amanda, Christie, Jim, Vicki, Niki

This week, 

Audrey, Joel, Martin, Todd, Teresa, Becky, Shelly, Amanda, Christie, Jim, Vicki, Niki

Made their Sustaining Partner Donations


This episode is sponsored by 
Teresa, Katherine, Gigi, Michael

They used the donation button found on our website at


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John A. Part 1 of 5 – Recovered 1306

150 150 Mark S

John A. from Dallas, TX speaking on steps 10, 11 and 12 at the Glasshouse Group in Fort Worth, TX – August 29th 2002

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Trust – Recovered 1305

150 150 Mark S

Anyone who has battled a substance use disorder would have to admit that it took a significant toll on their relationships. While in the throes of active addiction, all energy is focused on meeting the demands of the substance. This, unfortunately, leads to actions and words that cause harm to loved ones.

Over the course of the substance use period, loved ones stop believing anything you told them. Trust was fractured. Now that you are in recovery, attention is directed toward restoring those relationships and mending the broken trust. In fact, the process of making amends to loved ones in recovery is an essential step in the restoration of trust.

Tonight, we talk about Trust



3:25 To skip the intro

This week,
Jennifer, Rebekah, Bryan, Dana, Kim, Tonja, Kendy, Karen, Sean, Tony

Made their Sustaining Partner Donations


They used the donation button found on our website at


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Forgiveness – Recovered 1304

150 150 Mark S

Forgiveness is a major part of recovery because as long as you remain angry at the people who have hurt you, you’re inflicting new suffering on yourself.

Anger isn’t good for you. Anger and resentment can keep you feeling like a victim. It’s giving someone who has hurt you in the past the power to keep hurting you. It’s important to remember that forgiving others isn’t something you do for them but rather something you do for yourself.

Tonight, we talk about Forgiveness



3:25 To skip the intro

This week,
Jennifer, Rebekah, Bryan, Dana, Kim, Tonja, Kendy, Karen, Sean, Tony

Made their Sustaining Partner Donations


This episode is sponsored by
Chris, Helen, McQ

They used the donation button found on our website at


Check out this episode!