Posts By :

Mark S

2017 March Roundup Live! – Recovered 796

150 150 Mark S

Our generous Recovered Podcast Community allows us to be self supporting and not rely on outside contributions.  If you would like to join us, there are two ways.

  1. Episode Sponsorship  We will recognize you by first name only at the top, mid, and end of the episode.  Any amount will qualify.
  2. Premium Membership  This is the single most effective way to support the show.  Watch the video in its entirety and learn how to become Premium

The Recovered Podcast Community is not a glum lot.  They contribute to the show and what they share is exactly what someone else needs to hear.  The new guy needs to hear your story.  So honor your 12th step obligation by calling in and help the guy who has not yet gone to his first meeting, you may make the difference in his life.  There are two ways to add to the show:

  1. Speakpipe Use your mobile or computer and leave a message.  This is the preferred method because the sound quality is excellent.
  2. 1-734-288-7510 is our voice message line.

This episode is sponsored by The Recovered Podcast March Roundup Reception and Live Podcast.  On Saturday, March 11, Recovered Podcast will be hosting this event and we want to meet you.

Just go to March Roundup for more information.  

Our cost to participate in this event is about $2000, so we could use your help.  If you would like to support this event , go over to Roundup Donation

Going to a conferences for the first time gives you an idea of how big AA is.
At conferences, we can meet new people and establish friends all over the world.
At conferences, we can really celebrate our new way of life

Why do you go to conferences?

What has been your experience so far?
Describe the March Roundup
Have you been to Roundup before?

What is this event called March Roundup?
How long does this last?
What is the format?
Do you have to attend everything?
Are there al-anon events?
What social activities?
Are there meeting available?
Can you purchase recovery material?
What other things/activities are there?
What are the costs
What has been your experience?
What other conferences have you attended?
How were they structured?
What do you gain by attending?
What was your best experience?
What was your worst experience?
Best speaker?
Worst speaker?

We have calls

Hannah from London

Vickie from the UK

Alex from Austin

Alex From Austin

Roundup Wrap Up Speech

We have now come to the end of this celebration of Recovery.

First, I want to turn my attention to the person with lots of sobriety.

Talk directly to the new guy

If you’re new and you are scared. Welcome
If you are lonely, Welcome
If you are not feeling so well, welcome.
If you’re new and you are so uncomfortable with everything around you, especially all these people here, welcome.
You are in the right place.
Why? Because we have all felt that way once before. We understand what you are feeling.

But there is a solution
There is a way out

Love the new guy
Andrew always wanted to make a difference.
Took me to first meeting, Andrew made a difference in my life on that day.

Andrew helped me start a new meeting at the pC Alano Club
Canton Candle light, if you have been helped by that meeting, Andrew has made a difference in your life.

On November 22, 2007, we launched our first episode of the Recovered Podcast.
Andrew is the one who suggested to me to start this podcast.
If you have been helped by this podcast, Andrew has made a difference in your life.

But we deal with a disease that cunning baffling powerful
On July 2, 2012, Andrew succumbed to his heroin addiction and mental illness. On that day, Andrew took his own life.

My life has changed and can never be the same.

For the next year, we lost, a ship without a rudder.

I was angry
Angry at God, Angry at AA, Angry at Al Anon

Why did this happen

Russ said that maybe someday, the reason why wont be so important.

That happened about one year after his death.

Plan A
Plan B

Plan B better
That is up to me to find out
Was Andrew’s life waste?

I so no.
But it is up to me to make sure it wasn’t a waste
It is up to me to find meaning with the experience of Andrew in my life?

Andrew took me to my first meeting, Andrew changed my world
Andrew helped start Canton Candle Light, Andrew has changed the lives of those who call Canton Candle Light their home group
Andrew helped with this podcast, Andrew has changed the world of those listeners who have been helped by the show.

And if you’re new, Andrew can change your world.
The only reason I am here talking to you is because of Andrew in my life.

If you’re new and you want a new way of life.
I offer you everyone in this room.
We will go to the ends of the earth to help you find a life that is happy joyous and free.
But you have to ask,
It is our responsibility to take your hand when you offer it.

This is the life we offer.
One of hope love and joy
Do not miss the opportunity

But you may be asking, how do I do this

Do what we did.

Abandon yourself to god and admit your faults, clear away the wreckage of the past and give freely

God bless and see you next time

Check out this episode!

Mary Pearl Part 2 – Recovered 795

150 150 Mark S

Our generous Recovered Podcast Community allows us to be self supporting and not rely on outside contributions.  If you would like to join us, there are two ways.

  1. Episode Sponsorship  We will recognize you by first name only at the top, mid, and end of the episode.  Any amount will qualify.
  2. Premium Membership  This is the single most effective way to support the show.  Watch the video in its entirety and learn how to become Premium

The Recovered Podcast Community is not a glum lot.  They contribute to the show and what they share is exactly what someone else needs to hear.  The new guy needs to hear your story.  So honor your 12th step obligation by calling in and help the guy who has not yet gone to his first meeting, you may make the difference in his life.  There are two ways to add to the show:

  1. Speakpipe Use your mobile or computer and leave a message.  This is the preferred method because the sound quality is excellent.
  2. 1-734-288-7510 is our voice message line.

This episode is sponsored by The Recovered Podcast March Roundup Reception and Live Podcast.  On Saturday, March 11, Recovered Podcast will be hosting this event and we want to meet you.

Just go to March Roundup for more information.  

Our cost to participate in this event is about $2000, so we could use your help.  If you would like to support this event , go over to Roundup Donation
Check out this episode!

Staying in the Moment – Recovered 794

150 150 Mark S

Our generous Recovered Podcast Community allows us to be self supporting and not rely on outside contributions.  If you would like to join us, there are two ways.

  1. Episode Sponsorship  We will recognize you by first name only at the top, mid, and end of the episode.  Any amount will qualify.
  2. Premium Membership  This is the single most effective way to support the show.  Watch the video in its entirety and learn how to become Premium

The Recovered Podcast Community is not a glum lot.  They contribute to the show and what they share is exactly what someone else needs to hear.  The new guy needs to hear your story.  So honor your 12th step obligation by calling in and help the guy who has not yet gone to his first meeting, you may make the difference in his life.  There are two ways to add to the show:

  1. Speakpipe Use your mobile or computer and leave a message.  This is the preferred method because the sound quality is excellent.
  2. 1-734-288-7510 is our voice message line.

This episode is sponsored by The Recovered Podcast March Roundup Reception and Live Podcast.  On Saturday, March 11, Recovered Podcast will be hosting this event and we want to meet you.

Just go to March Roundup for more information.  

Our cost to participate in this event is about $2000, so we could use your help.  If you would like to support this event , go over to Roundup Donation

A symptom of alcoholism and addiction is an almost complete inability to be present and to stay in the moment. There is a constant stream of thoughts seeking to bring you to the past or into the future. So often, the present is left neglected. Yet, it is in the present where life occurs. So not being in the moment results in missing out on all that is happening around you, now.

When a person finally gets sober, they are often given the daunting task of attempting to stay in the present. They are given a number of valuable suggestions on how to go about doing this, but finding what works for you can take time and effort.

So, How To Be In The Moment?

When I first got sober I found that I really couldn’t meditate well. I would go to meditation meetings and sit there in the silence and sometimes I’d be able to quiet my mind enough, but mostly I sat there thinking about what everyone else was doing. Because of this, I personally had to find other ways to quiet my mind.

I’m going to start with you Matt,
When you heard of the topic for tonight, what came to mind for you?
How did you stay present before program?
How did you learn about the importance of staying in the moment?
How do you do it today?\
Why is it important?
What does being present do for you?
How is this important for your sobriety?
What is the opposite of being in the moment? What results?

Here are some other suggestion, what is your experience?


Playing or listening to music listening to recovery messages
Your experience?

Writing or creating art


Working the Steps

We Have Calls




What would you say to the new guy?

Check out this episode!

Recovered Podcast Reception and Live Show

150 150 Mark S


These specialty cookies and Tee Shirts will be making an appearance at the Recovered Podcast Reception and Live Show at the 2017 March Roundup. We will be on the second floor in the Rolls Royce Suite between 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm. Get there early if you want either.



Check out this episode!

Recovered Podcast Reception and Live Show This Saturday!

150 150 Mark S

This is the Reception Room.  

Seating is limited, so get there early!


The Recovered Podcast Reception and Live Show Room wiil be in this room, The Rolls Royce Hospitality Suite on the second floor!  Come join us the Saturday, 3/11/2017, between 2:00 and 6:00 pm at the March Roundup at the Edward Hotel.

How Do You Stay in the Moment?

150 150 Mark S

Tuesday night, the Recovery Topic is about “Staying in the Moment.”
A symptom of alcoholism and addiction is an almost complete inability to be present in the moment. There is a constant stream of thoughts seeking to bring you to the past or future, so often times the present is left neglected. Yet it is in the present where life occurs and so not being able to be in the moment results in a missing out of all that is happening around you.
Let’s talk about this solution.  Tap Speakpipe (preferred because the sound quality is excellent.  Use this method especially if you are outside the Unites States) or call 1-734-288-7510 and answer the following question(s):
How do you Stay in the Moment?
How does this help?
Recovered Podcast is live online every Tuesday at 6:30 pm EST as we record the show.  Join the fun and be part of the show.
If you would like to listen to the live stream of the show, just tap Recovered Chat and Live Stream.  We give away an Amazon gift card each week, you could win if you join us on Tuesdays.  
Click on our Show Notes we will use Tuesday night.

Our generous Recovered Podcast Community allows us to be self supporting and not rely on outside contributions.  If you would like to join us, there are two ways.

  1. Episode Sponsorship  We will recognize you by first name only at the top, mid, and end of the episode.  Any amount will qualify.
  2. Premium Membership  This is the single most effective way to support the show.  Watch the video in its entirety and learn how to become Premium

The Recovered Podcast Community is not a glum lot.  They contribute to the show and what they share is exactly what someone else needs to hear.  The new guy needs to hear your story.  So honor your 12th step obligation by calling in and help the guy who has not yet gone to his first meeting, you may make the difference in his life.  There are two ways to add to the show:

  1. Speakpipe Use your mobile or computer and leave a message.  This is the preferred method because the sound quality is excellent.
  2. 1-734-288-7510 is our voice message line.

This episode is sponsored by The Recovered Podcast March Roundup Reception and Live Podcast.  On Saturday, March 11, Recovered Podcast will be hosting this event and we want to meet you.

Just go to March Roundup for more information.  

Our cost to participate in this event is about $2000, so we could use your help.  If you would like to support this event , go over to Roundup Donation

Mary Pearl Part 1 – Recovered 794

150 150 Mark S

Our generous Recovered Podcast Community allows us to be self supporting and not rely on outside contributions.  If you would like to join us, there are two ways.

  1. Episode Sponsorship  We will recognize you by first name only at the top, mid, and end of the episode.  Any amount will qualify.
  2. Premium Membership  This is the single most effective way to support the show.  Watch the video in its entirety and learn how to become Premium

The Recovered Podcast Community is not a glum lot.  They contribute to the show and what they share is exactly what someone else needs to hear.  The new guy needs to hear your story.  So honor your 12th step obligation by calling in and help the guy who has not yet gone to his first meeting, you may make the difference in his life.  There are two ways to add to the show:

  1. Speakpipe Use your mobile or computer and leave a message.  This is the preferred method because the sound quality is excellent.
  2. 1-734-288-7510 is our voice message line.

This episode is sponsored by The Recovered Podcast March Roundup Reception and Live Podcast.  On Saturday, March 11, Recovered Podcast will be hosting this event and we want to meet you.

Just go to March Roundup for more information.  

Our cost to participate in this event is about $2000, so we could use your help.  If you would like to support this event , go over to Roundup Donation
Check out this episode!

Primary Purpose 2005 No. 1 – Recovered 793

150 150 Mark S
  • This episode is sponsored by The Recovered Podcast March Roundup Reception and Live Podcast.

    On Saturday, March 11, Recovered Podcast will be hosting this event and we want to meet you.  Just go to for more information.  

    Our cost to participate in this event is about $1800, so we could use your help.  If you would like to support this event  Go over to  With your help, we can meet the new person face to face.  


Call and Add to the show! (preferred because sound quality is excellent)



Join us live in the chat room!


Support the show and join Premium Membership.  Watch the video on how to join.



Check out this episode!

Celebrating Recovery – Recovered 792

150 150 Mark S
  • This episode is sponsored by
  • The Recovered Podcast March Roundup
  • Reception and Live Podcast
  • On Saturday, March 11, Recovered Podcast will be hosting this event and we want to meet you
  • Just go to for more information
  • Our cost to participate in this event is about $1800, so we could use your help
  • If you would like to support this event
  • Go over to
  • With your help, we can meet the new person face to face
  • Again, that’s for more information
  • To help with the cost of this event, go over to (INTRO MUSIC)  

Addicts are sometimes reluctant to self-congratulate,
partly out of concern that they won’t be able to
continue living up to their own expectations.
But celebrating your recovery serves a number of valuable functions.
Even years into recovery,
celebrating reminds you
where you were,
how far you’ve come and
how easy it is to fall back.
When life gets stressful, or
you’ve disappointed yourself or someone else,
circling back to your recovery can be a reminder
that you’ve faced bigger hurdles in the past and prevailed.

We are going to talk about 5 different ways to celebrate your recovery

#1 Celebrate Anniversaries and Milestones.
How do you do this?
How has it helped?
Visiting Jeff in Florida

#2 Participate in Recovery Events.
How do you do this?
How has it helped?
Spoke at the TC Roundup

#3 Treat Yourself.
How do you do this?
How has it helped?
Big weekend

#4 Start a Tradition.
How do you do this?
How has it helped?
Start a podcast

#5 Give Back.
How do you do this?
How has it helped?
Working on this

We Have Calls

Mike from Walled Lake



What would you say to the new guy?

Check out this episode!

How Do You Celebrate Your Recovery?

150 150 Mark S
Tuesday night is my birthday, and the Recovery Topic is about “Celebrations in Recovery.”
Addicts are sometimes reluctant to self-congratulate, partly out of concern that they won’t be able to continue living up to their own expectations. But celebrating your recovery serves a number of valuable functions. Even years into recovery, celebrating reminds you where you were, how far you’ve come and how easy it is to fall back. When life gets stressful, or you’ve disappointed yourself or someone else, circling back to your recovery can be a reminder that you’ve faced bigger hurdles in the past and prevailed.
Let’s talk about this solution.  Tap Speakpipe (preferred because the sound quality is excellent.  Use this method especially if you are outside the Unites States) or call 1-734-288-7510 and answer the following question(s):
How do yo celebrate your recovery?
Why is it important to you?
Recovered Podcast is live online every Tuesday at 6:30 pm EST as we record the show.  Join the fun and be part of the show.
If you would like to listen to the live stream of the show, just tap Recovered Chat and Live Stream.  We give away an Amazon gift card each week, you could win if you join us on Tuesdays.  
Click on our Show Notes we will use Tuesday night.