12 steps

Recreating in Recovery – Recovered 403

150 150 Mark S

On today’s show, our Recovery Topic is….

Recreating in Recovery

Video Clips include:

Jane Velez Mitchell – Kids and ADHD Meds


Alcohol at NCAA Events


Why Tim McGraw Gave up Drinking


Check out this episode!

Persistent Illusion – Recovered 402

150 150 Mark S

Tonight, our
Recovery Topic
The persistent illusion
you know…
the thought that someday I can control and enjoy my drinking is the great obsession of every abnormal drinker.

Video Clips include:

JVM – Are Interventions Effective

Warrantless Blood Alcohol  Tests

Women and Alcohol

Check out this episode!

Balance in Recovery – Recovered 401

150 150 Mark S

On today’s show, our Recovery Topic is….
Balance in Recovery
The challenge of living a balanced life
a balance between recovery and all aspects of life
balance in body, mind, and spirit

Video Clips include:

Jane Velez-Mitchell – Anger in Sobriety

Mindy McReady Suicide

Anheuser-Busch watering down Beer

Check out this episode!

Recovery Myths – Recovered 400

150 150 Mark S

Mark, Joe, Aaron, and Russ discuss Recovery Myths. We talk about some of the misconceptions we held to be true before when came into the program. We also talked about some of the surprises we found in the fellowship after we came into the program. Joe began the program by sharing that he had the typical view of the alcohol that was different than himself. Before the program, Joe thought that an alcoholic lived under a bridge, was homeless, was old, and suffering physically. Joe came into the program at 24 years old and a college graduate. Although he was suffering and felt hopeless, he didn’t match his own situation with what he thought an alcoholic looked like. Joe thought he still had a choice when it came to drinking. After he spent a little time in the fellowship, he realized he really didn’t have a choice in the drinking game.

 Russ talked about what he thought someone in recovery looked like. He thought that he would have to give up fun and become boring just like every other person in recovery. Russ also thought that he had a choice with regards to drinking because if he admitted that he didn’t he would have to do something about it; he didn’t want to do this. Russ shared that what he thought an alcoholic looked like. As a kid, he would walk to a nearby treatment hospital and he could see the patients locked into a facility. This image of an inmate didn’t match up with his self image before he came into the program. He thought he was having fun.

 Joe shared that he was surprised that e could have fun in the program. Aaron didn’t have some false different than others. he didn’t have some false sense of what an alcoholic looked like. Aaron had no pre-misconceptions of recovery looked like, he knew nothing of the program Russ shared that he was surprised about how much better he felt better physically in early recovery.

Recovery Myths – Recovered 400

150 150 Mark S

On today’s show, our Recovery Topic is….
Addiction Myths

What myths did you hold to be true?
What were some of the surprises you found in the fellowship?

Video Clips include:

Jane Velez Mitchell – Too Old For Recovery?

Pilot Fails Alcohol Test

Alcoholic pill for alcoholism

Check out this episode!

Meeting Types – Recovered 399

150 150 Mark S

Recovered 398 – Podcasters Roundtable

150 150 Mark S

On today’s show, our Recovery Topic is….
The recovery podcasters roundtable

Video Clips include:

Jane Velez Mitchell – Drug Test Kids?

Helping an Alcoholic

JMV – How to Helps Someone Get Sober

Check out this episode!

Relapse – Recovered 397

150 150 Mark S

On today’s show, our Recovery Topic is….
we will discuss our experience strength and hope around this subject of relapse
we will look at some of the warning signs, and maybe talk about prevention.

Video Clips include:

Jane Velez Mitchell – Opinion of Drug Therapy

Pot less harmful than alcohol


Newt Gingrich and His Experience with the Big Book

Check out this episode!

Making 12 Step Calls – Recovered 396

150 150 Mark S

On today’s show, our Recovery Topic is….

12 Step Calls

Video Clips include:

Jane Velez Mitchell – Coming Out as Alcoholic

Lw May Allow Parents to Buy Alcohol for Kids

Drinking at the Workplace is a Danger

Check out this episode!

Year in Review – Recovered 395

150 150 Mark S

This Episode is sponsored by Siegfried W.

Mark, Joe, Spencer, and Russ discuss their successes and failures in 2012.  Joe started the show by talking about how his work in the program has paid off this year.  The living amends Joe worked on paid off in his family relations, especially with his father, sister, and nephew.  Joe said that he received so much more than sobriety by working the steps.  The program gave him the tools to change so that his family relationships could grow.

Spencer talked about the power of steps 6 and 7.  He had worked these steps previously, but this time he really explored some fear areas of his life and he was more ready to accept them as part of his life.  By working these steps, he received relief.  As soon as he was ready, the grip on him started to be removed and he got relief.  Spencer understands that he is being relieved of these fears, they are not gone, but lessened.  There is work to be done and habits have been formed around these fears and he is working on it.  It is a relief for Spencer to talk about these fears.

Russ shared about his ability to be a citizen of the world.  Russ is more aware of his gratitude for opportunities because of his sobriety.  There have been ups and downs but he is more aware of the necessity to be open minded.  He has discovered the gifts of the program but is also aware there is more work to be done.  Just like if he was to receive a new car as a gift, he still would have to change the oil and do a maintenance program to take care of the gift.  Russ shared that growth implies change and sometimes change can be painful.

Mark shared that his so grateful to be able to go through the difficult moments sober, like the death of his son.  He is grateful for the program and the fellowship so that he can feel the feelings and not have to take a drink to cope.  Mark shared that he has more awareness of his need for his higher power.  Mark is also more aware his profound love for the people around him.  These are both gifts of the program.