Call Recovered About The Next Right Action

150 150 Mark S
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Tuesday Night, the recovery topic will be “The Next Right ActionLiving to Give.”
Over the next several weeks, we will explore the spirituality of the book
Powerless but not Helpless
A Recovery Interpretation of the Tao Te Ching
81 Essential Meditations That Can Change Your Life!

Verse 8 – Next Right Action

Water nourishes all without struggle or discrimination.

Water flows without trying to the lowest places, places rejected by man.

In spirituality, live satisfied, always open to the spiritual depth within.

In relationships, be kind without an ulterior motive.

In words, be truthful without deceit.

In leadership, be fair without injustice.

In work, do your best without an agenda.

In all decisions, move in rhythm with the moment, seeking a way to give rather than a way to receive, and you will know the next right action.

Tonight, we talk about the Next Right Action.

Leave A Message Now
We need your voice!!  Share your story with the new person in recovery.
To “call” in and share your experience, strength and hope regarding this topic, just tap
You can always dial in and leave a message on this topic.  Just dial
When you “call”, reflect on these questions:
  • How does water relate to your recovery program?
  • What does “go with the flow” mean to you?
  • Has “go with the flow” ever gotten you in trouble/danger?
  • How do you resist the program?
  • How do you get over resistance in your recovery?
  • What blocks your recovery today?
  • How can you do the next right thing with words?
  • How can you do the next right thing with your actions?
  • How can you do the next right thing with your work?
  • How can you do the next right thing with your decisions?
  • How do you discern whether something is right?
So you can prepare for Tuesday’s show, you can get a copy of our Show Notes,  just click 

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