On Tuesday, April 12, 2016, The Recovery Topic is 5 Reasons to Hate AA
There are many reasons why people stay away from AA. Personally, I really didn’t know anything about AA before I came in, and so I did have many prejudices against joining. This is not the case with many who are faced with a dilemma. They have a problem with drinking and they can’t stop. But because of many reasons, they think they hate what AA teaches and cannot join because of these reasons. The problem is that many if these things just are not so. So today we will look at 5 popular reasons why people say they hate AA and we will try and see if we have reasonable rebuttals.
Let’s talk about this solution. Tap Speakpipe (especially if you are outside the Unites States) or call 1-734-288-7510 and answer the following question(s):
Do you believe AA is a cult?
Why or why not?
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