Unity – Recovered 933

150 150 Mark S
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The Twelve Traditions are the principles that keep 12-step support groups focused on their primary task of fellowship. The Twelve Traditions serve as the framework by which the internal operations of all 12-step programs operate.

As the Twelve Steps lay the spiritual path of recovery for individual members, the Twelve Traditions provide the principles that keep the group healthy and grounded. This is best exemplified by Tradition One which states:

“Our common welfare should come first; personal progress depends upon AA unity.”

The underlying principle is simple: if the group is drawn into controversy or becomes dominated by individuals, the unity of the group will be jeopardized.
The aim of Tradition One is to ensure cohesion while honoring all voices in an open dialogue.

First thoughts?

What does unity mean to you?

Unity Definition: joined as a whole.

What is it that provides the “cohesion” that keeps your groups “joined?”
Common experience of alcoholism?
Caring for others?

12 and 12 suggests that conformity to the AA principles is the key to unity.
But what principles?
12 & 12 says faith and good works.
Other Principles:
Brotherly Love
Spirituality and Service

12 & 12 says that Unity is the most cherished quality our society has.
Do you see this attitude in your home group?

How can we cherish unity and not pay attention to the individual?

12 & 12 says most individual cannot recovery without the group.
What is your reaction to this?

How do you help with unity in your group?

How do you handle it when you are in the minority opinion?

How is unity expressed in your meetings?
How is unity expressed in your group conscience meetings?
Can you have unity at a meeting if that meeting does not have group conscience meetings?

How does diverse opinions help unity in a group?
What are the dangers to a group if the is sameness of opinion?
How can conflict resolution help unity in a group?
What can you do if you strongly disagree with the direction of a group which is being legitimately lead by group conscience?

How can you practice tradition 1 in your life?
How can you practice tradition 1 in your work life?
How can you practice tradition 1 in your family?

Check out this episode!

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