We Have Been Nominated Best Podcast!

150 150 Mark S
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Thanks to your support, we have been nominated for:

Best Podcast in the Health and Fitness Category
Only 220 podcasts out of thousands cleared this nomination process.  
Now we move to elections!
The winner will be determined by popular vote.  You can vote for us every day starting March 3.  Just go to:
and vote for the Recovered Podcast in the Health and Fitness category.
The winner will be announced at The 10th Annual Podcast Awards Ceremony.

The 10th Annual Podcast Awards Ceremony will be Held at New Media Expo in Las Vegas on Tuesday April 14, 2015!

This nomination will bring us great exposure so that the new guy will more easily find us.  Please consider voting to be 12th step work and be assured that all of our efforts are reaching the new guy who still suffers.

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