
Premium Member Only Open Talk Pete E. – Recovered 665

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

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Step 1 – Recovered 664

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The Big Book
The 12 and 12
24 Hours a Day

The Big Book devotes 2 whole chapters to Step 1;
Chapter II, There is a Solution and Chapter  III, More About Alcoholism

Step 1 is an admission of the central problem we face as alcoholics.
Once we can admit our powerlessness,
a door opens to the solution to our problem.

What does it mean to you to admit something?
Why do you think the step says, “We admitted”
rather than “I admitted?”

What does the term “powerless over alcohol”  mean to you?
What are some of you experiences?
What does the term “our lives had become unmanageable” mean to you?
What are some of your experiences?

On page 30 of the big book, it reads,
“We learned that we had to fully concede to our innermost selves that we were alcoholics. This is the first step in recovery. The delusion that we are like other people, or presently may be, has to be smashed.”

The book tells us that we had to learn that we had to being powerless to alcohol..
Where did you learn your powerlessness? (big book, meetings, open talks, podcasts, etc)
What does fully concede mean to you?
concede – admit that something is true or valid after first denying or resisting it.
What should a person do if they are not sure they are alcoholic?
Who are we to admit our alcoholism to? Who really matters? Why?

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Bill from NJ

from kurt


When you took step one,
was it an intellectual acceptance or
was it more like an emotional acceptance?

The Big Book and the 12 and 12 describe the process of step 1 as:
utter defeat
hopelessness and
hitting bottom
Why does it have to be this painful? (12 and 12, p. 24)

What did the first step accomplish for you?

What would you say to the new guy about step 1?

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Premium Member Only Open Talk Mark W – Recovered 663

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

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12 Steps Covered in the Next 12 Weeks

150 150 Mark S

Over the next 12 weeks, we will discuss our experience, strength, and hope regarding the 12 steps of recovery.

We need your voice so that this adventure is as rich as possible.  A diverse community is a healthy, growing community.  This is true in the biological world, this is true in the recovery world, and can be true for the Recovered Podcast Community.

So add your voice to the discussion.  Tap Speakpipe and let us know your experiences.

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Financial Insecurity – Recovered 662

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book
The 12 and 12

This is the time of year when
Fear of Financial Insecurity can be stressful

The credit card bills from the holiday spending are on the way,
and now as a sober person,
we are supposed to pay them off.

The 9th step promises include:
Fear of people and of
economic insecurity will leave us.

The promise doesn’t say
financial insecurity will leave us,
it says the fear
of financial insecurity will leave us.

It implies that it is normal to have financial insecurity
we just don’t have to have the fear.

This has probably been the most difficult
part of recovery
my Fear
and fear specifically to my financial life

I can let go of controlling alcohol

I have a hard time letting go of financial fear

so how do we do this, this is what I’d like to explore tonight

But let’s start with some definitions
Let’s start with some basic understandings

Fear of people and of
economic insecurity will leave us.

What does this mean to you?
Why is fear dangerous to the alcoholic?
How does the program help with fear?

What does it mean to you to have financial insecurity without fear?
How does your higher power play a role here?

The 12 and 12 reads:
Upon entering A.A., the spectacle of years of waste threw us into panic.
Financial importance was no longer our principal aim;
we now clamored for material security.

Years of waste threw us in a panic….Can you relate to this experience?

What does financial importance mean to you?
How is clamoring for material security a bad thing in recovery?

The 12 and 12 reads:
Even when we re-established in our business,
terrible fears often continued to haunt us.
This made us misers and penny-pinchers all over again.
Complete financial security we must have — or else.

Thoughts, comments, experiences?

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12 and 12 reads

We forgot that most alcoholics in A.A.
have an earning power considerably above average;
we forgot the immense good will of our brother A.A.’s
who were only too eager to help us to better jobs when we deserved them;
we forgot the actual or potential financial insecurity
of every human being in the world.
And, worst of all, we forgot God.
In money matters we had faith only in ourselves, and not too much of that.
Your thoughts on having faith in our sobriety,
but not in our financial matters?

Now, the solution

Losing Financial Fears

When a job still looked like a mere means of getting money rather than an opportunity for service,
looks like the book is telling us that using our financial gifts as a tool for service is the key
when the acquisition of money for financial independence looked more important than a right dependence upon God, we were the victims of unreasonable fears. And these were fears which would make a serene and useful existence, at any financial level, quite impossible. But as time passed we found that with the help of A.A.’s Twelve Steps we could lose those fears, no matter what our material prospects were. We could cheerfully perform humble labor without worrying about tomorrow. If our circumstances happened to be good, we no longer dreaded a change for the worse, for we had learned that these troubles could be turned into great values, for ourselves and for others.
Money as a gift to be used for others, your thoughts?


how are these character defects the friend of financial insecurity?

What steps, prayers, what tools of recovery help?

Check out this episode!

Premium Member Only Open Talk Michael U. – Recovered 661

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book
The 12 and 12
24 Hours a Day
This Open Talk is exclusively for our Premium Members Only.  Thanks for the support!  

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Making Recovery Plans for 2016 – Recovered 660

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

In our program, it’s our responsibility to make plans.

We should just be careful not to plan the outcomes to specifically.

We can make a plan, just be careful that it doesn’t turn into an expectation.

An expectation that is unreasonably high is a premeditated resentment.

An expectation that is too low is a premeditated disappointment.

and resentments and disappointments are both dangerous for us alcoholics.

So, we alcoholics need to be careful in this business of resolution making

we need to be careful as we plan our recovery life for the next year.

We need to be flexible as we plan

Our higher power may have a different idea of what the outcome will be.

My experience, I need to be flexible or else I will be miserable.

Do you have any Recovery Plans for 2016?

What are they?

March Round up maybe as a member of the media, not sure what that means

Doing a 4th and 5th with Russ on specific topic

Probably going to do a 12-hour podcast to benefit Dawn Farm’s Detox Unit

How did you decide on those specific needs?

What tools, steps, prayers, what recovery methods

do you plan to use to achieve those goals?

What would make your recovery happier?

  • some ideas may include
    • more time for friends
    • a hobby
    • more service work
    • work all steps
    • work a specific step
    • more prayer

What specific actions will you take to keep you on track?

  • How do we move from an idea of change to actual change
    • calling sponsor on progress
    • journal
    • talk about it at meetings
    • prayer

We have Calls

Jim Q



What were some of your past recovery plans that you tried?

  • discuss failures
  • discuss successes

For the new guy, what tips would you suggest when making plans?

Some Goal Setting Tips

  • Be specific about personal recovery goals
  • Take small steps and ask for help along the way
  • Establishing a Routine
  • Exercise
  • Reduce stress
  • Eat healthy food

How do you deal with plans not achieved?

What is the difference between expectations and plans

How do you make plans and manage expectations?

What advice would you give the new person who is making recovery plans for the first time?

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Premium Member Only Open Talk Sharon W – Recovered 659

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

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Peace of Mind – Recovered 658

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

Peace of mind can be defined as a State of being where people are unfazed with the ups and downs of life.

As an alcoholic,

I was unable to cope with the ups and downs of life and used alcohol as my solution,

my recovery rests on my ability to achieve serenity

so that I can cope without using alcohol.

As s codependent,

my serenity was based on how well I perceived Andrew, my qualifier, was doing.

In this case, Andrew’s state and my ability to control,

was my drug addiction, i could not leave it alone.

If Andrew was ok, I was ok.

When Andrew was struggling, so was I.

How about you?

Before program, what was your understanding of serenity?

How did you achieve serenity or peace of mind before program?

Early in program, what was your initial reaction to the serenity prayer?

Did you try it?

What was your experience?

How was your understanding of higher power when you first came in?

How did your higher power relate to Peace of Mind when you were new?

What are the things that threaten your serenity?  

Are they different today compared to before program?  

Are they different from when you were new?




How does humility relate to peace of mind for you?

How does dependence (on job, money, people, sponsor, meetings,etc.) affect your serenity?

How does a sponsor help with serenity?

How do meetings help?

How does service work help?

Today, what tools, steps, slogans, prayers help to achieve Peace of Mind?

Slogans to ponder

Do the next right thing

Keep your side of the street clean

This too shall pass

Do I want to be right or do I want to be happy

Check out this episode!

Premium Member Only Open Talk Rebacca B. – Recovered 657

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

This Open Talk is exclusively for our Premium Members Only.  Thanks for the support!  

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