Mark, Aaron, and Russ discussed making 12-step calls and doing 12-step work. Russ opens the show by explaining a 12-step call. Russ said a 12-step call is when someone who is mired in the disease of alcoholism calls into a hotline and asks for help. The hotline then will send someone to go out to the one who called and talk to the person who asked for help. Usually the program is explained and then the object is to go to a meeting.
Aaron said that he never called a hotline for help. Aaron explained that he Goggled “Alcoholics Anonymous” and found clubs and meeting times. The internet is now a common place to be 12-stepped. Aaron knew he needed AA just because of the reputation of AA and how people talked about it.
Mark shared that AA was a possibility for hope because of his son who was the first one in the family who became a member. 6 months after his son entered the fellowship, Mark entered too. After Mark’s first meeting, he was asked if he would like someone to visit him in his home to explain the program. Mark’s wife was actually the first in the family to go to an AA meeting through her education as a psychologist As part of an assignment in her graduate work, she was required to attend an AA meeting. Mark explained that his first sponsor, Jeff, visited him and 12-stepped him. Jeff simply told Mark his drinking story all the way up to his first AA meeting.
Russ explained that the object of a 12-step call is to get the person to a meeting. Aaron explained that the 12-steps were first explained to him at meetings. When a newcomer is at a meeting, the meeting is now a 12-step call. The program should be explained and any burning desires by others should be tabled until the next meeting. Russ said anybody is qualified to make a 12-step call, but they should not go alone. The reason is because there may be a temptation to drink if you go alone. Also, the situation could be dangerous so they should not go alone.
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