Posts By :

Mark S

Recovery in theDigital Age – Recovered 1017

150 150 Mark S

Modern communication in recovery is flowing from one alcoholic to another in ways that are high-tech, relatively open-ended and evolving quickly. Protecting anonymity is a major concern for members, who are accessing the Internet in ever-growing numbers.

Our generous Recovered Podcast Community allows us to be self supporting and not rely on outside contributions.  If you would like to join us, there are three ways.

  1. Episode Sponsorship  We will recognize you by first name only at the top, mid, and end of the episode.  Any amount will qualify.
  2. Premium Membership  This is the single most effective way to support the show.  Watch the video in its entirety and learn how to become Premium
  3. Sustaining Partners  We have three ways in which you can participate in this 12-step mission We invite you to be a partner is this work.

Call Us Now


First Up – 2020 International Convention News

Who’s going to the 2020 International Convention?

So, listeners, join us at The 2020 International Convention of AA in Detroit.

If you are coming into town for the convention, the Recovered Podcast wants to meet you!

If you would like to get all the information regarding the Recovered Podcast at the 2020 International Convention, just email me and we will get you on our google group.

Just email me at

To get on our 2020 International Convention Google group

This google group will be notified with all the Recovered Podcast Plans for the convention and will have all the information about how to find our tailgate party.  Right now, our google group has been provided with maps and general information about Detroit. Email me at if you want these kinds of updates.


Now, back to the show…

Tonight, the topic is 

Recovery in the Digital Age

When we use digital media, we are responsible for our own anonymity

and for protecting that of others. When we post, text, or blog, we should

consider whether we are publishing at the public level. When we break

our anonymity in these forums, we may inadvertently break the anonymity

of others.

Conference approved literature clearly defines how to protect anonymity.  Conference approved literature states:

 A.A.s do not publicly identify themselves as A.A. members using their full names and/or full-face photos.

What technology tools do you use in recovery?

How does it help?

How do you use it?

How do you get it?

What about

  • Google groups
  • Texting
  • Facebook
  • Online recovery support podcast
  • Online meetings 
  • Audible books
  • CDs
  • Phone calls
  • Group texting apps
  • email

What about open talks?

Isn’t that breaking anonymity?

Is there anything special you use with sponsees

What do you recommend to new people?

How does technology hinder your recovery program?

Are you concerned with privacy?

How do you protect your anonymity?

Do you worry about “Normal” people finding out you are in recovery when online?


Does your home group have a technology outreach?


We asked our listeners about this topic.

Now, listeners, If you would like to participate in these weekly surveys, just email me for an invite request.  Email me at

And I will send you an invite to our Recoveredcast Google group.  This group receives the show notes for the upcoming show. You will also receive an invite to participate in the weekly survey.  You will also receive a link to call into the show so you can share you experience with the recovery topic. This group helps us prepare for each week’s topic.

Again, just email for your a google group invite. Just email me at

To get involved in each week’s show prep.

We asked our listeners, 

“What technology tools do you use in recovery?”

Did you take the survey?

What would be your answer?


When is texting most appropriate?

When is a phone call most appropriate?

When is face to face most appropriate?

Does anybody use us mail?

What are online meetings?


We have calls

We have calls –

Our phone call segment is brought to you by our 

Recovered Podcast Sustaining Partners



Our sustaining recovered podcast partners are a big part 

in our self supporting movement.

This week George

became a Sustaining Partners

Thank you George

We have three ways in which you can partner 

with us in this 12-step mission to spread the good news 

all around the world and 

keep us online.  

You can become a sustaining partner 

by giving on a monthly basis for one year.  

As an expression of our gratitude for your donation, 

we will send you Recovered podcast merch.

Merch Like Recovered Podcast Tee Shirts, mugs. 

Just go to website at

And tap on the Sustaining Partners button

for more information

Thank you again


If you have experience with 

Recovery in the Digital Age

you can call right now

PLAY THE JINGLE – file in google drive


Now, Let’s take calls 

First up, we have 


Nichole O

Bryan G

Lee from No Cal

Mike from Celebration FLA



Char – ron




What would you say to the new guy about Recovery in the Digital Age?


So Remember; abandon yourself to God and admit your faults. Clear away the wreckage of your past and give freely. God bless and see you next time.

Check out this episode!

Chuck C New Pair of Glasses Part 4 – Recovered 1015

150 150 Mark S

These types of episodes are typically reserved for Premium Members.  If you would like to receive these types of talks on Fridays, please consider becoming a Premium Member.  See the link below

If you are already Premium, thank you for supporting the podcast by becoming Premium.  The show would not be online without Premium Members

Premium Membership  Premium members are the main reason why Recovered Podcast is still online.  If you want to help us continue to help the new guy, watch the video in its entirety and learn how to become Premium.

If you want Recovered Podcast to come to you so you can share your story with us, please reach out to and let me know.  We would love to come to your roundup, your conference, your event, your open talk….whatever, we want to carry your message to the person who still suffers.

Our generous Recovered Podcast Community allows us to be self supporting and not rely on outside contributions.  If you would like to join us, there are three ways.

  1. Episode Sponsorship  We will recognize you by first name only at the top, mid, and end of the episode.  Any amount will qualify.
  2. Premium Membership  This is the single most effective way to support the show.  Watch the video in its entirety and learn how to become Premium
  3. Sustaining Partners  We have three ways in which you can participate in this 12-step mission We invite you to be a partner is this work.

Call Us Now

So, listeners, join us at The 2020 International Convention of AA in Detroit. If you are coming into town for the convention, the Recovered Podcast wants to meet you!

 If you would like to get all the information regarding the Recovered Podcast at the 2020 International Convention, just email me and we will get you on our google group.

Just email me at

To get on our 2020 International Convention Google group.  This google group will be notified with all the Recovered Podcast Plans for the convention and will have all the information about how to find our tailgate party.  Right now, our google group has been provided with maps and general information about Detroit. Email me at if you want these kinds of updates.

For the latest 2020 IC information, click

Check out this episode!

Hobbies in Recovery – Recovered 1016

150 150 Mark S

Escaping alcoholism is a great start, but it is not enough alone to ensure a satisfying life in recovery. This is because life has to have meaning and purpose in order for it to be enjoyable. Hobbies are more than just a way to fill time. They provide pleasure and improve mental and physical well-being. These activities can give life in recovery a real purpose, and this will reduce the risk of relapse. It is possible that people can become too obsessive about their hobbies, so the key is moderation.

Our generous Recovered Podcast Community allows us to be self supporting and not rely on outside contributions.  If you would like to join us, there are three ways.

  1. Episode Sponsorship  We will recognize you by first name only at the top, mid, and end of the episode.  Any amount will qualify.
  2. Premium Membership  This is the single most effective way to support the show.  Watch the video in its entirety and learn how to become Premium
  3. Sustaining Partners  We have three ways in which you can participate in this 12-step mission We invite you to be a partner is this work.

Call Us Now

2020 International Convention News

So, listeners, join us at The 2020 International Convention of AA in Detroit.

If you are coming into town for the convention, the Recovered Podcast wants to meet you! If you would like to get all the information regarding the Recovered Podcast at the 2020 International Convention, just email me and we will get you on our google group.

Just email me at

To get on our 2020 International Convention Google group.  This google group will be notified with all the Recovered Podcast Plans for the convention and will have all the information about how to find our tailgate party.  Right now, our google group has been provided with maps and general information about Detroit. Email me at if you want these kinds of updates.



Now, back to the show…

Tonight, the topic is 

Having Hobbies in Recovery


If people feel that their life has no meaning and purpose they will find it impossible to build a successful life in recovery. During their years of addiction the focus would have been on obtaining and using their drug of choice.  It is therefore vital that they replace this hole in their life with something new. The more meaning that people find in recovery the less likely it will be that they will relapse.


Tonight, we talk about having hobbies in recovery


Anne-Marie, let’s start before program


What hobbies did you have before program?

What things were you good at when you were young?


Did you feel bored in early recovery?

Did you have a hard time recreating in recovery?


What activities/hobbies do you enjoy today?


How does this benefit your recovery?

Why is this important to your recovery?


What have you learned about yourself regarding having fun in recovery?

What talents did you discover you have in recovery? 



We asked our listeners about this topic.


Now, listeners, If you would like to participate in these weekly surveys, just email me for an invite request.  Email me at

And I will send you an invite to our Recoveredcast Google group.  This group receives the show notes for the upcoming show. You will also receive an invite to participate in the weekly survey.  You will also receive a link to call into the show so you can share you experience with the recovery topic. This group helps us prepare for each week’s topic.


Again, just email for your a google group invite. Just email me at

To get involved in each week’s show prep.


We asked our listeners, 

“Do you Have a Hobby?”


Did you take the survey?


What would be your answer?



How do you find a hobby?

Why is this important?

How do you find the time?

What are some of the obstacles?

Are you ever bored?


What do you do with your free time?

How do we relax?

How do we do hobbies?


We have calls –

Our phone call segment is brought to you by our 

Recovered Podcast Sustaining Partners



Our sustaining recovered podcast partners are a big part 

in our self supporting movement.


This week Nobody


became a Sustaining Partners

Thank you Nobody


We have three ways in which you can partner 

with us in this 12-step mission to spread the good news 

all around the world and 

keep us online.  


You can become a sustaining partner 

by giving on a monthly basis for one year.  

As an expression of our gratitude for your donation, 

we will send you Recovered podcast merch.

Merch Like Recovered Podcast Tee Shirts, mugs. 


Just go to website at

And tap on the Sustaining Partners button

for more information


Thank you again



If you have experience with 

Eating Disorders and Substance Abuse


you can call right now


PLAY THE JINGLE – file in google drive


Now, Let’s take calls 

First up, we have 


Mike from celebration Florida



What would you say to the new guy about Having Hobbies in Recovery?


So Remember; abandon yourself to God and admit your faults. Clear away the wreckage of your past and give freely. God bless and see you next time.

Check out this episode!

Chuck C New Pair of Glasses Part 3 – Recovered 1013

150 150 Mark S

Thank you for supporting the podcast by becoming Premium.  The show would not be online without Premium Members

Premium Membership  Premium members are the main reason why Recovered Podcast is still online.  If you want to help us continue to help the new guy, watch the video in its entirety and learn how to become Premium.

If you want Recovered Podcast to come to you so you can share your story with us, please reach out to and let me know.  We would love to come to your roundup, your conference, your event, your open talk….whatever, we want to carry your message to the person who still suffers.

Our generous Recovered Podcast Community allows us to be self supporting and not rely on outside contributions.  If you would like to join us, there are three ways.

  1. Episode Sponsorship  We will recognize you by first name only at the top, mid, and end of the episode.  Any amount will qualify.
  2. Premium Membership  This is the single most effective way to support the show.  Watch the video in its entirety and learn how to become Premium
  3. Sustaining Partners  We have three ways in which you can participate in this 12-step mission We invite you to be a partner is this work.

Call Us Now

So, listeners, join us at The 2020 International Convention of AA in Detroit. If you are coming into town for the convention, the Recovered Podcast wants to meet you!

 If you would like to get all the information regarding the Recovered Podcast at the 2020 International Convention, just email me and we will get you on our google group.

Just email me at

To get on our 2020 International Convention Google group.  This google group will be notified with all the Recovered Podcast Plans for the convention and will have all the information about how to find our tailgate party.  Right now, our google group has been provided with maps and general information about Detroit. Email me at if you want these kinds of updates.

For the latest 2020 IC information, click

Check out this episode!

Popsicle Sticks – Recovered 1014

150 150 Mark S

Tonight, the recovery topic is “Popsicle sticks.”
Now, Popsicle Sticks is not really a topic but rather a style of meeting here in Southeast Michigan. Tonight, this show will be presented in the form of a popsicle stick meeting.

Our generous Recovered Podcast Community allows us to be self supporting and not rely on outside contributions.  If you would like to join us, there are three ways.

  1. Episode Sponsorship  We will recognize you by first name only at the top, mid, and end of the episode.  Any amount will qualify.
  2. Premium Membership  This is the single most effective way to support the show.  Watch the video in its entirety and learn how to become Premium
  3. Sustaining Partners  We have three ways in which you can participate in this 12-step mission We invite you to be a partner is this work.

Call Us Now


First Up – 2020 International Convention News


Who’s going to the 2020 International Convention?


So, listeners, join us at The 2020 International Convention of AA in Detroit.

If you are coming into town for the convention, the Recovered Podcast wants to meet you!


If you would like to get all the information regarding the Recovered Podcast at the 2020 International Convention, just email me and we will get you on our google group.


Just email me at

To get on our 2020 International Convention Google group


This google group will be notified with all the Recovered Podcast Plans for the convention and will have all the information about how to find our tailgate party.  Right now, our google group has been provided with maps and general information about Detroit. Email me at if you want these kinds of updates.



Now, back to the show…


Tonight, the topic is 

Popsicle Sticks


A popsicle stick meeting is a meeting where we let our higher power determine what we need to share on.  Here in the studio, we have a can full of popsicle sticks. Each stick has a recovery topic written on it.  We will take turns, randomly picking a stick and then sharing on that topic that was chosen.


I first experienced “Popsicle Sticks” at the Thursday Midnight night meeting at the Northwest Alano Club in Wayne Michigan.  At first I hated it, then I got used to it, then it became my favorite meeting.  


Flash forward to 2008ish when the PC Alano club started in Canton, Michigan.  On September 28, 2008, the Canton Candlelight meeting started at the PC Alano Club.  Soon after that, this style of meeting started on Thursday nights. This style of meeting continues at Canton Candlelight every Thursday at 10:00 pm and is led by are own Matt O.


Here’s how it goes.

Pick a stick

Announce the topic to all

Share on the topic

Keep the stick

Pass the can



We asked our listeners about this topic.


Now, listeners, If you would like to participate in these weekly surveys, just email me for an invite request.  Email me at

And I will send you an invite to our Recoveredcast Google group.  This group receives the show notes for the upcoming show. You will also receive an invite to participate in the weekly survey.  You will also receive a link to call into the show so you can share you experience with the recovery topic. This group helps us prepare for each week’s topic.


Again, just email for your a google group invite. Just email me at

To get involved in each week’s show prep.


We asked our listeners, 

“How did you discover the Recovered Podcast?”


Did you take the survey?


What would be your answer?


We have calls –

Our phone call segment is brought to you by our 

Recovered Podcast Sustaining Partners



Our sustaining recovered podcast partners are a big part 

in our self supporting movement.


This week Janice


became a Sustaining Partners

Thank you Janice


We have three ways in which you can partner 

with us in this 12-step mission to spread the good news 

all around the world and 

keep us online.  


You can become a sustaining partner 

by giving on a monthly basis for one year.  

As an expression of our gratitude for your donation, 

we will send you Recovered podcast merch.

Merch Like Recovered Podcast Tee Shirts, mugs. 


Just go to website at

And tap on the Sustaining Partners button

for more information


Thank you again



If you have experience with 

Eating Disorders and Substance Abuse


you can call right now


PLAY THE JINGLE – file in google drive


Now, Let’s take calls 

First up, we have 


Mike from celebration Florida



What would you say to the new guy about Popsicle Sticks?


So Remember; abandon yourself to God and admit your faults. Clear away the wreckage of your past and give freely. God bless and see you next time.

Check out this episode!

Celebrating in Recovery – Recovered 1012

150 150 Mark S

One of the fears that people have when they give up alcohol or drugs is that a life of sobriety will be boring. Once people spend a bit of time in recovery they realize that this is a complete myth. Sobriety opens up a world of opportunity, and most people complain that there is not enough hours in the day to do all the things they want to do.

Tonight, we talk about Celebrating in Recovery

Our generous Recovered Podcast Community allows us to be self supporting and not rely on outside contributions.  If you would like to join us, there are three ways.

  1. Episode Sponsorship  We will recognize you by first name only at the top, mid, and end of the episode.  Any amount will qualify.
  2. Premium Membership  This is the single most effective way to support the show.  Watch the video in its entirety and learn how to become Premium
  3. Sustaining Partners  We have three ways in which you can participate in this 12-step mission We invite you to be a partner is this work.

Call Us Now



In can be hard for those who abuse substances to understand how anyone could celebrate anything without mind-altering substances to help things along. These individuals can later find out that it is not only possible to celebrate without alcohol and drugs, but that it is significantly more rewarding to do so.


How did you celebrate before recovery?

What did you celebrate in early recovery?

How did you celebrate?

What did you learn about yourself?

Were you fearful of celebrating in early recovery?

How did the program help?


What are difficult places to go sober when you were new?

Where are the difficult places today?


How do you have fun today?

What sober places do you look forward to most?


What places are fun today that used to be difficult before?

Why is having fun in recovery important?

How has the program helped?



We asked our listeners about this topic.


Now, listeners, If you would like to participate in these weekly surveys, just email me for an invite request.  Email me at

And I will send you an invite to our Recoveredcast Google group.  This group receives the show notes for the upcoming show. You will also receive an invite to participate in the weekly survey.  You will also receive a link to call into the show so you can share you experience with the recovery topic. This group helps us prepare for each week’s topic.


Again, just email for your a google group invite. Just email me at

To get involved in each week’s show prep.


We asked our listeners, 

“What do you celebrate in recovery”


Did you take the survey?


What would be your answer?



What do you celebrate today?

How do you do this?

How is your fear level of wet places today?

How do you prepare?

How do you stay safe in wet places of celebration?

When you are hosting a party, do you serve alcohol?

Do you have an escape plan?

Explain how this works for the new person?


How are you celebrating the fourth of July?

What is the holiday known here in america as fourth of July?


Sobriety countdown?




How do you celebrate when you don’t want to?

How do you celebrate a death?


Reasons to Celebrate in Recovery

When people give up alcohol and drugs they already have something to celebrate. The longer they stay sober the more reasons they will have to feel good about life. There will also be plenty of special occasions in sobriety worth celebrating such as:


* Birth of a child

* Sobriety birthdays

* New job

* Passing an exam

* Winning an award

* Getting a promotion

* Getting married

* Holidays like Christmas

* Recognition for a job well done


Once people escape an addiction, they are sure to have some great days ahead of them. These celebratory times are to be enjoyed, but they can be treacherous for people who are in the early days of their sobriety.

We have calls –

Our phone call segment is brought to you by our 

Recovered Podcast Sustaining Partners



Our sustaining recovered podcast partners are a big part 

in our self supporting movement.


This week Kendra


became a Sustaining Partners

Thank you Kendra


We have three ways in which you can partner 

with us in this 12-step mission to spread the good news 

all around the world and 

keep us online.  


You can become a sustaining partner 

by giving on a monthly basis for one year.  

As an expression of our gratitude for your donation, 

we will send you Recovered podcast merch.

Merch Like Recovered Podcast Tee Shirts, mugs. 


Just go to website at

And tap on the Sustaining Partners button

for more information


Thank you again



If you have experience with 

Eating Disorders and Substance Abuse


you can call right now


PLAY THE JINGLE – file in google drive


Now, Let’s take calls 

First up, we have 


Mike from celebration Florida




What would you say to the new guy about Celebrating in Recovery?


So Remember; abandon yourself to God and admit your faults. Clear away the wreckage of your past and give freely. God bless and see you next time.

Check out this episode!

Chuck C New Pair of Glasses Part 2 – Recovered 1011

150 150 Mark S

Thank you for supporting the podcast by becoming Premium.  The show would not be online without Premium Members

Premium Membership  Premium members are the main reason why Recovered Podcast is still online.  If you want to help us continue to help the new guy, watch the video in its entirety and learn how to become Premium.

If you want Recovered Podcast to come to you so you can share your story with us, please reach out to and let me know.  We would love to come to your roundup, your conference, your event, your open talk….whatever, we want to carry your message to the person who still suffers.

Our generous Recovered Podcast Community allows us to be self supporting and not rely on outside contributions.  If you would like to join us, there are three ways.

  1. Episode Sponsorship  We will recognize you by first name only at the top, mid, and end of the episode.  Any amount will qualify.
  2. Premium Membership  This is the single most effective way to support the show.  Watch the video in its entirety and learn how to become Premium
  3. Sustaining Partners  We have three ways in which you can participate in this 12-step mission We invite you to be a partner is this work.

Call Us Now

Check out this episode!

Anxiety – Recovered 1010

150 150 Mark S

You’ve had a longstanding and unwanted relationship with anxiety. Whenever you felt this paralyzing feeling, you drank or did drugs to find relief. However, the liquid courage you were after has now brought you nothing but trouble. Now that you are in recovery, you have to look for new and healthier ways to cope with your anxiety.

Tonight, we talk about Anxiety.

Our generous Recovered Podcast Community allows us to be self supporting and not rely on outside contributions.  If you would like to join us, there are three ways.

  1. Episode Sponsorship  We will recognize you by first name only at the top, mid, and end of the episode.  Any amount will qualify.
  2. Premium Membership  This is the single most effective way to support the show.  Watch the video in its entirety and learn how to become Premium
  3. Sustaining Partners  We have three ways in which you can participate in this 12-step mission We invite you to be a partner is this work.

Call Us Now



If you suffer from anxiety and a substance use disorder, you might not understand how they interact, but you can definitely feel it. The tension, stress, worries and feeling of restlessness start to creep into your day; or maybe it hits you first thing when you wake. You try to go about your life, but all you can think of is your anxiety. It can consume you if you let it.  But there are ways to cope.  


That’s what we will talk about tonight.  Tonight we talk about anxiety


Let’s go to you first Matt,

When you think about anxiety, where does your head go first?


What is your experience?

What did it used to be like?

What were you anxious about before program?

How did you cope?


What happened in early recovery?

What is it like now?


Usually there is an underlying problem that causes anxiety.

I have to check myself, usually I’m hiding something.


Sometimes, anxiety can be good

Anxiety got my into program



For me, I need to check myself and be honest as to whether I have done something wrong that causes my anxiety

Am I hiding something?


Trauma can be a source of residual anxiety




Just wired that way


How can getting honest help?

How do you use honesty to help with anxiety

Sometimes, getting honest takes courage too.

What is your experience?


How can stinking thinking affect your anxiety?

How can you deal with stinking thinking?


How about amends?

How can steps 9 and 10 help?


How does being alone affect your anxiety levels?


We asked our listeners about this topic.


Now, listeners, If you would like to participate in these weekly surveys, just email me an invite request.  Email me at

And I will send you an invite to our Recoveredcast Google group.  This group receives the show notes for the upcoming show. You will also receive an invite to participate in the weekly survey.  You will also receive a link to call into the show so you can share you experience with the recovery topic. This group helps us prepare for each week’s topic.


Again, just email a google group invite request to

To get involved in each week’s show prep.


We asked our listeners, 

“What helps you cope with anxiety?”


Did you take the survey?


What would be your answer?



What is the root cause?

What are the solutions?


Give your examples


New Tricks to Use When Anxiety Hits:

Deep breathing: When you take in deep breaths, you are telling your body to relax. The best way to do this is breathing in for four counts, holding the breath for four and letting it out for four counts. Repeat this at least four times or as long as you need.

Progressive muscle relaxation: This involves tensing specific muscles and relaxing them. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Start by balling your fists and tensing your arms. Hold the tension for four counts and let go. Move on to your stomach, your legs, and your feet. Repeat the cycle at least three time or as many times as you need. Before you know it, you’ll feel loose and relaxed.

Challenging your anxiety: Sometimes you let your thoughts take over. However, using “thought stopping” and “reframing” helps you take on your thoughts and push them out of the way. Whenever you have a paralyzing thought, literally tell yourself “stop!” and switch it out for a positive thought.

With practice and consistency, the change in your routine becomes second nature and effective.

Talk to the person who is struggling with Anxiety.


We have calls –

Our phone call segment is brought to you by our 

Recovered Podcast Sustaining Partners



Our sustaining recovered podcast partners are a big part 

in our self supporting movement.


This week Kendra


became a Sustaining Partners

Thank you Kendra


We have three ways in which you can partner 

with us in this 12-step mission to spread the good news 

all around the world and 

keep us online.  


You can become a sustaining partner 

by giving on a monthly basis for one year.  

As an expression of our gratitude for your donation, 

we will send you Recovered podcast merch.

Merch Like Recovered Podcast Tee Shirts, mugs. 


Just go to website at

And tap on the Sustaining Partners button

for more information


Thank you again



If you have experience with 

Eating Disorders and Substance Abuse


you can call right now


PLAY THE JINGLE – file in google drive


Now, Let’s take calls 

First up, we have 



Mike from celebration Florida





What would you say to the new guy about Anxiety?


So Remember; abandon yourself to God and admit your faults. Clear away the wreckage of your past and give freely. God bless and see you next time.

Check out this episode!

Chuck C New Pair of Glasses – Recovered 1009

150 150 Mark S

Thank you for supporting the podcast by becoming Premium.  The show would not be online without Premium Members

Premium Membership  Premium members are the main reason why Recovered Podcast is still online.  If you want to help us continue to help the new guy, watch the video in its entirety and learn how to become Premium.

If you want Recovered Podcast to come to you so you can share your story with us, please reach out to and let me know.  We would love to come to your roundup, your conference, your event, your open talk….whatever, we want to carry your message to the person who still suffers.

Our generous Recovered Podcast Community allows us to be self supporting and not rely on outside contributions.  If you would like to join us, there are three ways.

  1. Episode Sponsorship  We will recognize you by first name only at the top, mid, and end of the episode.  Any amount will qualify.
  2. Premium Membership  This is the single most effective way to support the show.  Watch the video in its entirety and learn how to become Premium
  3. Sustaining Partners  We have three ways in which you can participate in this 12-step mission We invite you to be a partner is this work.

Call Us Now

Check out this episode!

Addiction Replacements – Recovered 1008

150 150 Mark S

Whether it is a dependence on drugs, alcohol or gambling, the general assumption is that once a person enters recovery for an addiction, they should be “cured” of all Addiction Replacements. However, the prevalence of addiction replacement shows the true nature of addiction for what it is — a disease.

We alcoholics suffer. Before program, our obsession with drugs and alcohol led to the destruction of everything important to us. Even after program, new obsessions can also cause us to suffer, even without the alcohol. Sure, it’s obvious that our addictive behavior is the source of our own misery, but we may still seem unwilling to change. We are unwilling to change because of many things, but usually, it’s fear. We people with addictions must learn how to find courage.

Our generous Recovered Podcast Community allows us to be self supporting and not rely on outside contributions.  If you would like to join us, there are three ways.

  1. Episode Sponsorship  We will recognize you by first name only at the top, mid, and end of the episode.  Any amount will qualify.
  2. Premium Membership  This is the single most effective way to support the show.  Watch the video in its entirety and learn how to become Premium
  3. Sustaining Partners  We have three ways in which you can participate in this 12-step mission We invite you to be a partner is this work.

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Addiction replacement is substituting one addiction for another. This typically occurs after the recovery process for the original addiction.

What is Addiction Replacements to you?

What kinds of compulsive behavior did you have as a child?
What kinds of compulsive behavior did you have before program?

When you were new, did you find a substitute addiction?
What was it and what did you get out of it?
Did you suffer from this behavior?
Did you have guilt and shame?
Did you do it in secrete?

What types of behaviors do you have to pay attention to?
Risk taking



What emotional need are you trying to fulfill?
We asked our listeners about this topic.

Now, listeners, If you would like to participate in these weekly surveys, just email me an invite request. Email me at
And I will send you an invite to our Recoveredcast Google group. This group receives the show notes for the upcoming show. You will also receive an invite to participate in the weekly survey. You will also receive a link to call into the show so you can share you experience with the recovery topic. This group helps us prepare for each week’s topic.

Again, just email a google group invite request to
To get involved in each week’s show prep.

We asked our listeners,
“What types of behaviors do you have to pay attention to?”

Did you take the survey?

What would be your answer?

They say:
Individuals in recovery may also experience a lowered level of dopamine in the brain, which would limit their ability to feel happiness or excitement during the early stages of sobriety. This can influence recovering addicts to transfer their past addictive behaviors into other activities or substances as a way to fulfill the craving, and reduce the unpleasant side effects of withdrawal.
Can you relate?

They say:
So while on the surface an activity like shopping can appear as a healthier alternative than abusing drugs, both addictions can produce similar consequences. Signs that an addiction replacement has taken place are:

Constantly thinking about your new activity or vice
Losing sleep to participate in new activity
Trouble at work, school or at home
Relationship issues with spouse or loved ones
Neglecting self-care and personal hygiene
Experiencing stress or anxiety if unable to complete new activity
You thoughts?

What about today, what Addiction Replacements are you fighting against?

Do you think you are unique in this?

Solutions? Steps, prayers, higher power, sponsor, therapist?

We have calls –
Our phone call segment is brought to you by our
Recovered Podcast Sustaining Partners


Our sustaining recovered podcast partners are a big part
in our self supporting movement.

This week Falisha

became a Sustaining Partners
Thank you Falisha

We have three ways in which you can partner
with us in this 12-step mission to spread the good news
all around the world and
keep us online.

You can become a sustaining partner
by giving on a monthly basis for one year.
As an expression of our gratitude for your donation,
we will send you Recovered podcast merch.
Merch Like Recovered Podcast Tee Shirts, mugs.

Just go to website at
And tap on the Sustaining Partners button
for more information

Thank you again

If you have experience with
Eating Disorders and Substance Abuse

you can call right now

Check out this episode!