
First Times in Recovery – Recovered 646

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

When we come into recovery, we begin a whole new way of life.

This means changing our actions and our attitudes.

We are promised a new freedom and a new happiness.

The Big Book talks about the program resulting in huge

emotional displacements and rearrangements.

By definition, we are going to experience t

hings, situations, people for the first time.

This is our topic tonight.

First Times in Recovery

Where do you guys want to start?

We may want to talk about our first meeting our first sponsor, our first holiday sober.

Let’s keep the New comer in mind.

Let’s share our experience, strength, and hope so that the new guy doesn’t feel so unique.

Like he is the only one to fear watching the Lions on Thanksgiving day sober for the first time.

There is hope.  Let’s give that to them tonight.

What First thing would you like to share

Bill From New Jersey

Alex from Austin–qEf3-lfxIKk9KUe7Rj0pY32OR28gxA-75WaG6Mh-1dDUl_FGCta2hsw8DOoDKuqwhU6mKHdqFZnYBV08QTfCA

Timmy from Stevensville–R1YnRkUaH0naJIxttWwKzgdQMyv-7rqZTTEbPPdYkMRngL7w1iNQ

Clyde from Rochester Hills


First drink

First arrest

First meeting

First sponsor

First 4th step

First amends

First prayer

First relapse

First year

First sponsee

First 12th step

First step

First Holiday

First Wedding

First funeral

First rehab

First Open talk

First child

Check out this episode!

Earning Trust – Recovered 644

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

Ok, N. Active alcoholics generally are not trustworthy

Your initial thoughts?

Now, N., Lying, secretes, these break relationships

Your initial thoughts?

Go to you now N., Building trust one day at a time, that may be the answer

Your initial thoughts?

If you’d Like to Join the conversation on Earning trust, call right now

PLAY THE JINGLE – get from drop box

In my addictive behavior,

I probably broke trust with those who care about me in various ways,

such as lying and keeping secrets.

Since my addiction spanned many years,

the people affected by my addiction doubted my recovery,

especially since I tried to control my addiction before.

Building trust takes time;

I have to continue to prove that I can do this one day at a time.

Let’s go t you first, N,

Before program, how did you lose the trust of your loved ones? employers? Friends?

In what ways did you lose trust?

Did you know that you were not trusted at that time?

What was it like when you first came in, were you able to regain trust immediately?

How did that make you feel?  Why did you feel this way?  What part of self was being threatened?

What character defect was in effect?

What part of the program helped you with this feeling of frustration?

When did you start to regain trust?  example?

Dale B





Are there people who refuse to trust?  What do you do with these people?

How about your trust of other people?  How has recovery effected this?

Do you trust God?

Do you trust yourself?

What would you say to the new guy?

Check out this episode!

Waiting For the Other Shoe to Drop – Recovered 641

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

The expression, “Waiting for the other shoe to drop” means,

To await a seemingly inevitable event, especially one that is not desirable.

To anticipate something negative happening as a result of or related to a previous negative event

Let’s hear an example of how someone gets into a situation of waiting for the other shoe to drop.

You thoughts about the clip?

What do you think of the expression

Waiting for the bad, you will miss the good

“Nobody likes to be caught off guard, but many people believe that if we’re not worrying we’re being irresponsible, setting ourselves up for risk, putting ourselves in harm’s way.”

What are your thoughts about feeling irresponsible if you are not worrying about something.  Have you ever found yourself feeling this way?

What do you do to counter these negative feelings?

What steps

What prayers

What slogans

how has your sponsor helpped

How has the fellowship helpped

How has your higher power helpped


Moira from Maine

Alex from Austin


  1. Carve out a time to worry and a time to savor.
  2. Gratitude List
  3. Reflect on your life.
  4. Consider what you want your loved ones to focus on.

Check out this episode!

Service Work with Zach.mp3

150 150 Mark S

Recovery Heroes – Recovered 638

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

Let’s take this opportunity to reflect with gratitude on Recovery Heroes past and present.

We talk about the founders of our program,

we could talk about someone who carried the message to us when we most needed it.

You all could reflect on the hard lessons learnt through the stories told by other recovering people.

Some Possibilities

Your first sponsor

Your current sponsor

A sponsee

An Open Talk Speaker

Some other trusted servant

First person you ever knew who was in AA and you looked up to them

Bill W. Ann S

Dr. Bob Ebby T Lois W. Archy T Clancy I Chief Blackhawk

Joe and Charlie Marty M Chuck C Rolland H Buzz A

Bill D Dr. Silkworth Carl Jung Jack Alexander

What is a hero?

Did you have heroes before program?

Who and why?

When you came into the program, who were some of the people you admired?

Is there anyone who you at first didn’t like, but with time you learned to respect?

When you first started to read the Big book, what did you think of some of the characters?

How did you learn about the history of the people and events in the book?

Who from recovery history do you admire?

What about today, who have you admired?

Alex – Austin

Cathy – Ga




Have you ever put someone on a pedestal, only to be disappointed?

How do we avoid this kind of let down?

What would you say to the new guy about this topic?

Check out this episode!

Call Recovered About Your Recovery Heroes

150 150 Mark S

Tuesday, October 13, our recovery topic will be “Recovery Heroes”

Join the show and add content to the program by giving us your perspective on this topic.
tap Speakpipe

Let’s take this opportunity for people to reflect with gratitude on Recovery Heroes past and present.
It could be the founders of our program, it could be someone who carried the message to us when we most needed it.
You could Share the hard lessons learnt through other recovering people.
You could also share significant and nourishing lessons learnt through the Grace and Humility of others.
Some Possibilities

Your first sponsor
Your current sponsor
A sponsee
An Open Talk Speaker
Some other trusted servant
First person you ever knew who was in AA and you looked up to them

Some possible suggestions

Bill W. Ann S
Dr. Bob Ebby T Lois W. Archy T Clancy I Chief Blackhawk
Joe and Charlie Marty M Chuck C Rolland H Buzz A
Bill D Dr. Silkworth Carl Jung Jack Alexander

Check out this episode!

Prayer – Recovered 635

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

Prayer is the basic building block of recovery

Most of our work in Recovery begins with prayer and meditation.

But let’s start at the beginning.  Let’s talk about our understanding of prayer long before we came into recovery.  For some of us, we were taught to pray at an early age.

What about you…

Who taught you to pray?

How were you taught?

How do you pray?

Has children changed your prayer life?

When do you pray?

Has your prayer life changed?

How has Recovery influenced your prayer?

How do you listen to God?

We have calls


Sara fron OKC

Toiny from Connecticut

Tim from Florida

Bill from New Jersey

From Ohio

When has God felt closest?

When is God distant?

Do you meditate?

Do you pray at work?

Do you pray when you exercise?

Check out this episode!

Special App Owner Open Talk Amber S..- Recovered 636

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

This Open Talk is exclusively for our Recovered App owners.  Thanks for the support!  If you upgrade to Premium, your contribution will help keep us on the web.  

Check out this episode!

Special App Owner Open Talk Jerry F.- Recovered 634

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

This Open Talk is exclusively for our Recovered App owners.  Thanks for the support!  If you upgrade to Premium, your contribution will help keep us on the web.  

Check out this episode!

Next Studio Episode on Prayer

150 150 Mark S

On Tuesday, October 6, 2015, our next studio episode will be on Prayer.

Call 1-734-288-7510 or
tap Speakpipe (especially if outside U.S.)

Call or tap and answer the following questions:

Who taught you to pray?
How were you taught?
How do you pray?
Has children changed your prayer life?
When do you pray?
Has your prayer life changed?
How has Al-Anon influenced your prayer?
How do you listen to God?
When has God felt closest?
When is God distant?
Do you meditate?
Do you pray at work?
Do you pray when you exercise?

We would love to hear from you!

Check out this episode!