12 steps

Special App Owner Open Talk From Emily R. – Recovered 521

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In the Extras area of the App, we have links to websites we like.  Just tap the lower case “e” located at the lower right hand of iPhone sceen and then tap links  Remember, in this same area of the app, we have the Big Book, the 12 and 12, along with a daily reader.  Please support Sober Life Mouthwash, your support of this product supports the podcast.


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Step 9 – Recovered 520

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Moderation Management

Made direct amends to such people

whenever possible, except when to do so would injure

them or others

Tell us your initial reaction when you first read this step?

What was your experience in preparation?

What amends do you think that you already made before you got to this step? 

After you have had your first encounter with making amends,

what happened? 

How did you feel about it? 

How did the other person respond? 

What have you learned from this? 

What would you do differently next time?

After you had done your first several encounters for making

amends (for example, after 5 times of making amends),what were your overall impressions?

Is there anything common with your first? 

Did  anything surprise you? 

Did anything disappoint you? 

How did you feel about the process and how has it affected you?

We have calls on hold

Do you want to take some calls/

Zach – Financial

Nathan – amends to myself

Bronte – ARROW BUTTON BELOW – superstar

What amends do you have the most difficulty making? 

What do you need to do to be able to make these amends?

How has making amends affected your relationship with others?

How are you dealing with the feedback from others after making


How are you feeling? 

How are you dealing with the desire to defend yourself?

Write down any other amends that you found that you needed to

make after starting the process of making amends.

How can you celebrate or honor the completion of your making

amends (step 9)?

Have you had any dreams about making amends? If so, describe

them in detail.

Describe any celebrations or activities that you have done to honor

the completion of your making amends.


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Premium Episode Step 8 Alanon Talk – Recovered 519

150 150 Mark S

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This Open Talk is exclusively for our Premium Subscibers only.  Thanks for the support!  When you upgrade to Premium, your contribution will help keep us on the web.

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Special App Owner Open Talk From Miriam S. – Recovered 518

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This Open Talk is exclusively for our Recovered App owners.  Thanks for the support!  If you upgrade to Premium, your contribution will help keep us on the web.  

In the Extras area of the App, we have links to websites we like.  Just tap the lower case “e” located at the lower right hand of iPhone sceen and then tap links  Remember, in this same area of the app, we have the Big Book, the 12 and 12, along with a daily reader.  Please support Sober Life Mouthwash, your support of this product supports the podcast.


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Step 8 – Recovered 517

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The Big Book

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24 Hours a Day

Cocktail Playdate Drop Out

Wide Receiver DWI

New Heroin Treatment


Robin Williams

As we look into our past, we can see how we put alcohol before the people we love.

Did you ever put alcohol before a loved one?

Have you ever been with someone and not really be present?

How did you willingness to make alcohol your main objective in life shortchange others, 

at home, 

at work, 

in relationships and friendships? 

Who did I harm in this? 

We can see in steps 4 and 5 how our principles were compromised as our disease progressed.

How have you ever stolen, cheated, or lied to avoid the consequences of my addiction? 

And who was hurt by these actions? 

How did I cause injury or harm to others by my inappropriate reactions to life?

As we make our list, we start to remember others who may not be on our 4th step resentment list.How do I treat people who are anonymous to me, what was your experience

like clerks, 

wait staff, 

repair persons, 

hair dressers, etc. 

How do I treat children, especially my own (if there are such)? 

The elderly? 


Fat people? 

People of other races, religions, nationalities? What does this show about me, about my nature? Do I need to make change in my life in relationship to such people? 

How can I make amends to someone whom I don’t know, or who may not be around anymore? 

How do I make amends to a company, institution, or such like? 

How can I make amends to the two most harmed of all, the least and the greatest: myself and my Higher Power?

What do I have to do to become willing? 

What internal changes must come about in order for me to be willing? 

How do I know when I have truly become willing?

What amends are obviously straightforward? I broke, I’ll have it fixed. I stole it, I’ll pay for it or return it. I lied, I need to tell the truth. 

What amends will be difficult? How might I go about preparing myself for them? How does being willing include being prepared? How can I resolve the issues about possible consequences? 

We Have Calls



How have you hurt yourself by practicing your addiction?

What consequences do you fear in making amends? 

What is the worst thing that can happen? 

What is the best thing that can happen? 

What is likely to happen?

Do you feel angry or resentful towards any people on your amends list? 

Describe any dreams that relate to making amends to others.

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Premium Open Talk From Jim C. – Recovered 516

150 150 Mark S

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This Open Talk is exclusively for our Premium Subscibers only.  Thanks for the support!  When you upgrade to Premium, your contribution will help keep us on the web.  


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Reaching Our Goals

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24 Hours a Day

Cocktail Playdate Drop Out

Wide Receiver DWI

New Heroin Treatment

We find that it is easier to achieve things when we set goals for ourselves.  This way we will have a clearer idea about what it is we are trying to achieve. When we were trapped in our addiction our goals revolved around getting drunk or high. This means that when we first become sober we felt a bit purposeless. It is important to establish new goals in sobriety that we can work towards.

What goals did you have before recovery?

How did addiction get in the way?

What goals did you have in early recovery?

Are goals important in recovery and why?

How did you define your goals?

What tools did you use?

What gets in the way of achieving goals and how can your recovery program help?

How does improving relationships help?

What steps played a part in achieving these goals?

What slogans?

What prayers?

How did your sponsor play a role?

What about goals after early recovery have you set?

How did you define your goals?

What tools did you use?

What steps played a part in achieving these goals?

What slogans?

What prayers?

How did your sponsor play a role?

Would you like to take some calls



How are dreams and goals alike?

How are they different?

What about failures?

Fear of failures?

What can you learn from failure?

Tell us about your present goals.

Final Thoughts?


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Special App Owner Open Talk From Laura S. – Recovered 514

150 150 Mark S

Call in 1-734-288-7510

This Open Talk is exclusively for our Recovered App owners.  Thanks for the support!  If you upgrade to Premium, your contribution will help keep us on the web.  

In the Extras area of the App, we have links to websites we like.  Just tap the lower case “e” located at the lower right hand of iPhone sceen and then tap links  Remember, in this same area of the app, we have the Big Book, the 12 and 12, along with a daily reader.  Please support Sober Life Mouthwash, your support of this product supports the podcast.


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Transitional Housing and Sober Living – Recovered 513

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

Cocktail Playdate Drop Out

Wide Receiver DWI

New Heroin Treatment

Let’s start at the beginning What Is A Halfway Recovery House? Why Stay In A Halfway Or 3/4 House? What does a 3/4 house look like? How do you find a ¾ house? Should you visit before checking in? What are the certifications? Who is qualified to run one? What about liability insurance? Who is in charge? What are the rules and guidelines? What about drug and alcohol use? Can you have overnight guests? Who is in charge of cleaning? What are the curfews? What are some of the other responsibilities? What are wake up times? Lights out? Is there drug testing? Are they safe? Are 12 step meeting s required? Are there house meetings? What do they look like? Conflict resolution? Are you required to have a job? How long can you stay? how much do they cost? Who should go? What are the benefits? What are the difficulties?

Check out this episode!

Relapse and Coming Back Into the Fellowship – Recovered 512

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24 Hours a Day

Binge Drinking

Recovery in Scotland

Sober High School

I think after a relapse, you have two options.

Do you just give in and sink deeper into the black pit you’ve fallen into? 

Or do you pull yourself up by your belt loops and resolve to right this temporary setback? 

These are the only two choices you have when you take a look at the reality of your situation.

To the outside person, the choice is clear.  Pick yourself up.

For those of us with the addiction, this is a difficult choice, why?

Have you ever relapsed?

What happened?

What was your experience?

Option one, that is sink deeper into the pit and continue drinking, is not the most desirable, although it certainly is the easiest.

What about the easier softer way.  

Why would someone decide to stay out?

What would prevent you from choosing to stay out?

What would make you uncomfortable enough to make the hard decision to get back into recovery?

Option two, on the other hand, is a tough choice to make.

Because you have been in the program before, you know this decision necessitates admitting that you’ve slipped and immediately seeking help to regain your sobriety. It also means you’ve got a great deal of hard work ahead of you.

Talk about your experience with this decision.

Talk about your experience of witnessing this decision made by others.

What hurdles?

Talk about the stigma of being a relapser?

Talk about the paranoia, that is, wondering what others are saying about you.

Talk about false pride, the fact that you now have less sobriety than your friends, your sponsees, etc.

Talk about not wanting to admit that you relapsed.

want to take some calls?



If you decide recovery, Where Do You Start?  

What should you do?

For the person coming off a relapse, what do you recommend?

What should be avoided?

Is it helpful to examine the process of your relapse?

Did you call your sponsor?  What was that like?

Should you change sponsors?

What if your sponsor fires you?

Talk about telling friends.

Talk about telling family members.

Talk about tell employers.

What about asking for forgiveness from these people, should you?

What about resisting that thought that I’ve been there, done that and I still relapsed, so why do the step work again?

Cab relapse be a positive thing?  How?  In what way?

The bottom line is that relapse isn’t the end of your recovery journey. It is what you decide to do immediately following relapse and continuing forward in your sobriety that matters. Keep in mind that gaining knowledge, practicing and honing your recovery skills, and surrounding yourself with people who support and encourage your recovery goals is all part of the process. With renewed commitment and dedication to sobriety, you can come back from relapse stronger than ever.

Final Thoughts?


Check out this episode!