
Ambitions – Recovered 606

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

What is ambition?

Is ambition good or bad?

How can you tell/judge?

What is the opposite of ambition?

Is ambition a form of greed?

Before program, did you have ambitions?

What were they?

Did your disease affect what you were ambitious for?

How did your addiction affect your ambitions?

In early recovery, what were you ambitious for?

How did the program help or hinder?

Did your ambitions change with experience in recovery?

What are your ambitions with sponsees?

What are your ambitions with your higher power?

What are your ambitions with the fellowship?

What are your ambitions in life?

What are your ambitions at work?

How does the program affect your ambitions?

How does prayer form your ambitions?

How does a sponsor affect your ambitions?

What would you say to the new person about ambitions?


Jesse from Massachusetts

Tom from Michigan

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Call In And Get Free Coffee

150 150 Mark S

Call in and get your free Recovered Coffee.

Just call
and tell us:
1.  Your name and city
2.  Your sobriety date
3.  Your Home Group
4.  Your Sponsor
Also, tell us how recovery has changed your ambitions.  Has recovery changed your priorities.
Make sure you email me with your snail mail address so I can send you your coffee.

Check out this episode!

Call In And Get Free Coffee

150 150 Mark S

Call in and get your free Recovered Coffee.

Just call
and tell us:
1.  Your name and city
2.  Your sobriety date
3.  Your Home Group
4.  Your Sponsor
Also, tell us how recovery has changed your ambitions.  Has recovery changed your priorities.
Make sure you email me with your snail mail address so I can send you your coffee.

Check out this episode!

Special App Owner Open Talk Kelly S. – Recovered 605

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

This Open Talk is exclusively for our Recovered App owners.  Thanks for the support!  If you upgrade to Premium, your contribution will help keep us on the web.  

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Feeling Sad in Recovery – Recovered 604

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

This episode is more about feeling sad rather than something more serious like clinical bi-polar depression.  For someone suffering from mental illness such as a manic state of bipolar, simply going to a meeting is not enough.  

We are not therapists and we have no expertise in this area.  If you are in therapy, and you hear us crossing that line, please accept our apology, that is not our intent.  If you think you are clinically depressed, see a professional and follow their direction.  Take what you like and leave the rest.

But let’s turn to you first,

Before you came into program, before addiction, as a child, would you consider yourself as a generally happy kid?

How about during middle school?

How about during high school?

How about after your tried drugs and alcohol?

Was there any trauma in your life that changed your general disposition of happiness?

As your drinking career developed, did you suffer from periods of depression?

Have you ever had therapy?

Have you been diagnosed with depression?

In your understanding in therapy, How are depression and sadness different?

Again this program is about sadness, clinical depression can be dangerous and we urge you to get professional help along with your participation in a recovery support group.

Near the end, was there any joy left?

Tells us about sadness in early recovery.

How did you cope?

How do the:

  • steps,

  • slogans,

  • prayers

  • meetings


How does your:

  • sponsor

  • higher power

  • big book and 12 and 12

  • other literature


What is it like today?

What is emotional sobriety?

we have an email

email – Ruth T

Call from Chris from Vancouver–X5hOsgogQvDFQPTcHTFDSkTi8OMqkrp5uV8LFR25OEjzSHAXAPlbMqj3XTcliQxg2E8Ia02xKtaHak3yvoRf-6M4xIKrjvSwkMZwUKoSpe6ZMLHr22q78KkdR1_BJDzTdCag

email – Mary F

We have Calls

Call – Matt from Connecticut

Call – Alex from Austin

Call – Amy

What would you say to the new person who is sad all the time?  What would you say to the person who is grieving, but probably doesn’t even know it?

Check out this episode!

Big Book Study – Recovered 603

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book
The 12 and 12
24 Hours a Day
This is Part 2 of Joe and Charlie’s Big Book Study.  Part 1 of this Big Book Study is exclusively for our Recovered App owners.  Thanks for the support!  If you upgrade to Premium, your contribution will help keep us on the web.  

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Women in Recovery – Recovered 600

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

Tonight, we are going to talk about women in recovery.  

We have women in the studio who are familiar with AA, NA, and Al-Anon as well.  

For those who are new, AA and NA are for people who have a desire to quit, and Al-Anon are for people who have been affected by someone else’s using.

But tonight, we want to explore the unique challenges for women in recovery,

whether you are an alcoholic or if you love one.  

We hope to discuss the barriers to recovery.  

We also plan to discuss the difference between the programs,

and we will probably discuss some similarities.

Hopefully, there will be surprises.

Ok Chrissy, let’s start with you.  Let’s start with you just before you came into the fellowship

Did you have any fears as a woman entering recovery?

Just before program, what were your relationships like with other women?

What about after program, has your attitude changed?  How?

What was it like as a women in early recovery?

and is it different for you now?

What is it like to be at a meeting with all women?

What are some discussion topics that are easier to talk about with all women?

What are some discussion topics that are difficult with all women?

What is it like to be at a meeting where you are the only women?

What are some discussion topics that are easier to talk about with men?

What are some discussion topics that are difficult with all men?

What are your opinions of single gender meetings?

Why is Al Anon predominantly women?

Why is AA predominantly men?

What are the barriers to women coming into program?

What steps, prayers, slogans are challenging to women?

What kind of expectations do women feel (from society, from family, etc) and how do we use the 12 steps and the program to navigate those expectations?

How is recovery from alcoholism and addiction different for women?

How do women in Al-Anon and women in AA relate to each other? (There’s a juicy topic!)

Are you mindful of how you dress to meetings (HOT TOPIC)?

What about giving out phone numbers?

What about sponsorship? Do you have a women sponsor and what about a women having a man sponsor or vice versa?

Bronte from Paris





Laura C

Talk to the woman who is new to the program, what words of encouragement would you give?

What would you tell a woman who has never been to a meeting or is early in recovery.

Check out this episode!

Special App Owner Open Talk Joan S. – Recovered 599

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

This Open Talk is exclusively for our Recovered App owners.  Thanks for the support!  If you upgrade to Premium, your contribution will help keep us on the web.  

Check out this episode!

Creativity and Recovery – Recovered 598

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

Creativity can be defined as the ability to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities.

Is it possible to be creative in recovery without having to stimulate your mind with alcohol or drugs?

My Opinion?

Of course it is!

The problem is that you may have to convince your brain of this at first. And that can be a bit of a challenge.

But I want to know what you think.

Let’s go to you matt

what types of creative things are you involved in?

Where you afraid that your art would suffer?

Did you know any creative types in recovery before you came in?

What was it like when you first came into recovery and you were new?

Did your creativity suffer?

Did recovery take time away from your art?

What about fuzzy thinking in early recovery, how did that affect you?

What about PAWS? Did you suffer from Post Acute Withdrawl Symptom?

What were some of your experiences?

What were your fears?

How did others in the field react to your sobriety?

Did you have support from fellow sober artists?

Did you have to give up some relationships?


Liz Lemmon – Creative

Josh k – Creativity

Alex from Austin

What about now, what has happened to your creativity now that you are sober?

What about relationships now?

How do you work a program about your artistic endeavours?

What do you do now to increase your creativity?

What kinds of creative things are you involved in?

What was it like before recovery?

How did your disease affect your art as it progressed?

Did you consider recovery before you came in?

What were some of the fears you had regarding recovery?

Talk to the new guy who is afraid of what sobriety may mean to his art.  What words of encouragement do you have?

Check out this episode!

Premium Paul McQ Open Talk – Recovered 597

150 150 Mark S

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The Big Book

The 12 and 12

24 Hours a Day

ThisOpen Talk was given at the 2015 March Roundup in Dearborn, Michigan.

This is exclusively for our Premium Subscibers only.  Thanks for the support!  When you upgrade to Premium, your contribution will help keep us on the web.  



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