
Larry S. & Christian P. Part 9 of 9 – Recovered 1329

150 150 Mark S

Larry S. from Atlanta, GA and Christian P. from Atlanta, GA doing a Big Book study in McKenzie Bridge, OR – March 6th-8th 2009

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Humility – Recovered 1324

150 150 Mark S

Humility is a critical characteristic for those recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. Addiction is a condition that can make an individual feel invincible as if they can handle anything on their own. However, the journey to recovery requires people to recognize that they cannot do it alone and that they need the support of others. Humility allows an individual to acknowledge that they have a problem and that they need help. It opens the door for them to seek out and accept the guidance of their support network. By embracing humility, they can also begin to accept responsibility for their actions and work towards making amends to those they may have hurt while under the influence.

Tonight, we talk about humility.


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Joel, Martin, Todd, Teresa, Kim, Becky, Amanda, Shelly, Jim, Chisty

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Larry S. & Christian P. Part 8 of 9 – Recovered 1327

150 150 Mark S

Larry S. from Atlanta, GA and Christian P. from Atlanta, GA doing a Big Book study in McKenzie Bridge, OR – March 6th-8th 2009

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Dealing With A Sponsee Who Has Relapsed – Recovered 1322

150 150 Mark S

When a sponsee relapses, it can be a difficult and disheartening experience for both the sponsee and their sponsor. However, it is important for sponsors to remember that relapse is a common occurrence in recovery, and it does not mean that the sponsee has failed. As a sponsor, there are several steps you can take to support your sponsee through their relapse and help them get back on track.

Some suggest providing non-judgmental support and encouraging your sponsee to be honest about their relapse. They say it is important to create a safe and supportive space for your sponsee to share their struggles and emotions without fear of judgment or shame. Once they have shared their experience, it is important to help them identify what led to the relapse and work together to create a plan to prevent it from happening again in the future.

Tonight we talk about dealing with a sponsee who has relapsed.


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This week, 
Jenny, Jim, Vicki, Niki, Penny

Made their Sustaining Partner Donations


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Gigi, Michael, Mandy

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Larry S. & Christian P. Part 7 of 9 – Recovered 1325

150 150 Mark S

Larry S. from Atlanta, GA and Christian P. from Atlanta, GA doing a Big Book study in McKenzie Bridge, OR – March 6th-8th 2009

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Making Amends and Forgiveness – Recovered 1320

150 150 Mark S

Making amends and forgiveness of self and others are critical components of the recovery process from drug and alcohol addiction. Addiction often leads to harm and damage to relationships, and the process of making amends can help to repair broken connections with loved ones. When you acknowledge the harm they have caused and make a genuine effort to make things right, it can go a long way toward rebuilding trust and fostering healing. This process of making amends can also help you to let go of any lingering guilt or shame they may feel, which can be a significant trigger for relapse.

Forgiveness is also an essential aspect of the recovery process. Many people who struggle with addiction carry a lot of shame and self-blame, and forgiveness can help to alleviate those negative feelings. By forgiving yourself, you can learn to let go of past mistakes and focus on the present moment, which can be crucial in maintaining sobriety. Additionally, forgiving others who may have contributed to your addiction can be a powerful way to release any resentment or anger, which can be a significant barrier to recovery.

Tonight, we talk about making amends and forgiveness


3:25 To skip the intro

This week, 
Bryan, Dana, Rebekah, Jinifer, Tonja, Kim, Kendy, Karen, Michael, Sean, Tony, Chris, Chance, Sam, Falisha, Nicole, Cristie, Todd, Kim, Becky, Amanda, Shelly

Made their Sustaining Partner Donations


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Chris, McQ, Helen, Teresa, Audrey, Kurt, Sam

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Self Care – Recovered 1318

150 150 Mark S

Self-care is crucial in a 12-step recovery program as it enables individuals to take responsibility for their well-being and maintain their physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Addiction is a chronic and often debilitating condition that can take a toll on your mental and physical health. Practicing self-care helps you to manage stress, improve your mood, and reduce the risk of relapse. The 12-step program emphasizes the importance of self-care as an essential part of the recovery journey.
Self-care includes activities such as exercising, eating well, getting enough rest, and engaging in hobbies and other enjoyable activities. 

These activities can help individuals to reduce stress, increase self-esteem, and improve their overall health and well-being. Self-care also involves setting healthy boundaries, learning to say no, and taking time for oneself to recharge and relax. These practices are especially important for you who may have neglected your own needs in the past.

Tonight, we talk about Self Care.


3:25 To skip the intro

This week, 
Christy, Chance, Jim, Vicki, Niki, Penny, Jinifer, Jenny, Rebekah, Bryan, Dana, Kim, Tanja, Kendy, Michael, Sean, Tony, Chris, Sam, Chance, Falisha, Nicole

Made their Sustaining Partner Donations


This episode is sponsored by 
Gigi, Michael, Samuel, Chris, Helen, McQ

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Gratitude – Recovered 1316

150 150 Mark S

Gratitude is an essential aspect of a 12-step recovery program from drug and alcohol addiction. One of the main reasons why gratitude is so important is that it helps individuals in recovery shift their focus away from their problems and toward the positive aspects of their lives. By adopting an attitude of gratitude, individuals in recovery can appreciate the small things in life and find joy in the present moment, rather than dwelling on past mistakes or worrying about the future. This mindset can help to reduce stress and anxiety and promote a more positive outlook on life, which is crucial for maintaining long-term sobriety.

Another reason why gratitude is important in a 12-step recovery program is that it helps individuals to cultivate humility and a sense of perspective. Addiction is often accompanied by a sense of self-centeredness, where the individual is focused solely on their own needs and desires. However, by practicing gratitude, individuals in recovery can begin to see the bigger picture and appreciate the support and love they receive from others. This can help to build a sense of community and foster a greater sense of empathy and compassion towards others, which can be crucial for maintaining sobriety over the long term.

Tonight, we talk about Gratitude.


3:25 To skip the intro

This week, 
Christy, Chance, Jim, Vicki, Niki, Penny, Jinifer, Jenny, Rebekah, Bryan, Dana, Kim, Tanja, Kendy, Michael, Sean, Tony, Chris, Sam, Chance, Falisha, Nicole

Made their Sustaining Partner Donations


This episode is sponsored by 
Gigi, Michael, Samuel, Chris, Helen, McQ

They used the donation button found on our website at


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Larry S. & Christian P. Part 5 of 9 – Recovered 1321

150 150 Mark S

Larry S. from Atlanta, GA and Christian P. from Atlanta, GA doing a Big Book study in McKenzie Bridge, OR – March 6th-8th 2009

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Larry S. & Christian P. Part 4 of 9 – Recovered 1319

150 150 Mark S

Larry S. from Atlanta, GA and Christian P. from Atlanta, GA doing a Big Book study in McKenzie Bridge, OR – March 6th-8th 2009

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